A few months ago, I stole a test from my teachers desk. I gave it to one friend, who later gave it to about 20 other kids. The school had no other choice but to expel me. I truly am a good kid, never having done anything wrong before. It really is true how one bad decision can change your life
I am now a tenth grader at a different school getting around a 3.7 taking 4 honors classes. If i continue these grades, and get around 2,000 on the SAT's, where could I go to college? Could I get into UCLA or USC or NYU or GEORGE WASHINGTON? These were the schools I was hoping to go to, and I truly hope I don't have to alter my dreams....any suggestions?I recently was expelled from high school. Can I still go to a good college?Keep on the right track. You will get into the school you want. We all are human and make mistakes. Do good.I recently was expelled from high school. Can I still go to a good college?your ******, period.
unless you show you are absolutely OUTSTANDING (4.0, 4.5+ weighted, extremely good EC's, etc. which you aren't at), then there is little chance you could get in because of what you did.