Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama's REAL name is Barry Soetoro, WHAT does his NEW name signify?

It must MEAN something to change your name!

Is Obama Lying about never being Muslim?

How can he be trusted!?

How can he NEVER disclose his REAL NAME to the public?

Obama%26#039;s Indonesian schooling began when he was entered into the Roman Catholic, Franciscus Assisi Primary School on January 1, 1968 and sat in class 1B. He was registered under the name Barry Soetoro, serial number 203. School documents listed Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen and his religion was listed as Islam. He will spend three years at Franciscus.

Catholic schools accept non-Catholics worldwide. Non-Catholic students are typically excused from religious instruction and ceremony.

Obama%26#039;s family moves from H Ramir Street to Dempo Street and Obama enters the 4th grade at the Besuki Primary School, a government school. He was enrolled as Barry Soetoro, Muslim.

All Indonesian students are required to study religion at school and a young Barry Soetoro, being a Muslim, would have been required to study Islam daily in school.

He would have been taught to read and write Arabic, to recite his prayers properly, to read and recite from the Quran and to study the laws of Islam.

In his autobiography, %26quot;Dreams From My Father,%26quot; Obama mentions studying the Quran and describes the public school as %26quot;a Muslim school.%26quot;

According to Tine Hahiyary, one of Obama%26#039;s teachers and the principal from 1971 through 1989, Barry actively took part in the Islamic religious lessons during his time at the school.

The fact that Obama had attended mengaji classes is well known in Indonesia and has left many there wondering just when Obama is going to come out of the closet.

Evidence seems to quite clearly show that both Ann Dunham and her husband Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo were in fact devout Muslims themselves and they raised their son as such.

Obama%26#039;s REAL name is Barry Soetoro, WHAT does his NEW name signify?its Indonesian for Muslim King of Infidels
Obama%26#039;s REAL name is Barry Soetoro, WHAT does his NEW name signify?
Okay, slow your role people. Lets clear this dumb little matter up. Barry is the name his adopted/step father gave him, his birth name is and has always been Barrack Obama.

Lets not jump to conclusions next time, shall we?

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Obama%26#039;s REAL name is Barry Soetoro, WHAT does his NEW name signify?
That maybe hes not a terrorrist ?
Barack Obama Hussein II
What I wonder is why this country has so much hate against just moderate muslims, but meanwhile has no problem with crazy fundamentalist Christians.
i%26#039;ve never heard this but i don%26#039;t doubt it. the mans a fraud all the way around.
oh, you didn%26#039;t know? Obama loveeeeeees terrorists.

geez. don%26#039;t believe everything you read. also, Obama%26#039;s name means lightning. That%26#039;s better than John-a toilet...or someone who has sex with hookers.
Is this from Palin%26#039;s last speech?

It sounds like the desperate lies she%26#039;s spewing.
he just had people call him Barry when he was younger. His real name was always Barack.
Barack went by Barry because kids are cruel and so are republicans all of your rant is one big lie you have been sheltered to the point of your detriment I feel sorry for you. =(
You%26#039;re right. He%26#039;s hiding A LOT.

And further, the mengaji classes he attended were so he could learn the Quran in detail and be able to recite it in Arabic. Muslims also state that mengaji classes are not like Sunday School; they only send their children to these classes if they are a totally Muslim thinking/practicing family.

...However, Barry denies it all. How convenient for Barry.

I noticed they never mentioned his step-father at the DNC Convention, and there was AMPLE time to do so.. since he raised Barry for over a decade, right? and yet, he reflects back to the dad he knew for a month? why, because being from Kenya adds something that he%26#039;s actually BLACK? and people see a connection that apparently wasn%26#039;t too important to Barry -- since he%26#039;d just MET his father%26#039;s mother 2 years ago (setting about on the campaign)?

Obama may have been preparing a persona for decades, as he moved from Barry to Barrack -- and wedged into his wife%26#039;s world and community in Chicago. He%26#039;s said %26quot;that doesn%26#039;t work, where I come from%26quot; meaning Chicago -- but where, does, he, come from?
So clarify, does him being Muslim mean he%26#039;s a terrorist like the other poster said? So in other words you believe because he is or was Muslim he is a terrorist? I think you are just scared of things you don%26#039;t know about. in the hell can he be trusted? We don%26#039;t even know who he really is or what his true beliefs are. He%26#039;s a fraud, a charlatan.
Muhammad Ali%26#039;s real name was Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. that doesn%26#039;t change the fact that he was one of the greatest boxers in the world and the same goes for Obama.
listen up first grader.....i think you need some enlightenment.

obama is an AMERICAN! and you need to accept that and move on to a logical point because frankly, that horse died months ago.
Obama%26#039;s birth certificate says you are wrong.
Does Obama have ANY associations that aren%26#039;t embarrassing or scandalous?

Obama has ties to Ayres and Dorn, Wright, Father Flaherty(sp?), John L. McKnight, ACORN, Farakkan, Rashid Khalidi, The Gamaliel Foundation...the list goes on and on.

Is it a leap of faith to believe that a man who surrounds himself with these people buys into the ideas himself? When you read Alinsky%26#039;s ideas on how to destroy the US (to rebuild it), he could be describing Obama and his comrades to a T, but Alinsky wrote his books 70 and 50 years ago!

If there is proof that Obama was in the NP party, we have a full-fledged Radical socialist on our hands, and we need to get the word out.

You have been misinformed - Obama%26#039;s birth name was Barack Hussein Obama Jr. He used the last name Soetero (his stepfather%26#039;s name) when he was a child living in Indonesia but it was never his legal name - he reverted to his birth name when he moved back to Hawaii for middle and high school.

Furthermore - even if he did study Islam in grade school, there is no evidence that he ever practiced the faith, and certain not since he moved back to the US at the age of 9. Stop repeating things you read on WorldNet Daily or whatever conservative pseudo-news site you%26#039;re getting this stuff from.
The political, media, cultural and social establishments are determined to elect the pro-status quo, anti-change candidate, Barack Obama, as President.

The power and money arrayed behind Obama seem unbeatable.

At the same time, it is inconceivable that the American people would elect a socialist President.

Obama has some explaining to do.

Slowly but surely %26quot;rock star%26quot; Barack Obama%26#039;s lipstick

is coming off with every bad decision, and by now even

his vice president candidate Senator Joe Biden had to


Mrs. Clinton would%26#039;ve been the better pig pick.
I%26#039;m not sure if this signifies a new low for political intolerance or religious intolerance, or maybe even both. If you want to criticize a man for his politics, that%26#039;s fair game, but to do so on such slanderous grounds is shame full.
This question is relevant because it goes to the question of whether Obama has been truthful. On his claim to always being a Christian, the evidence that Obama was raised as Muslim and attended school under the name Barry Soetoro is convincing, corroborated by many facts. For example, a Christian child would never be given the name Hussein.…

The Senator%26#039;s first name, Barack, is a Swahili name that has its origins in the Arabic language. The original Arabic root of the name (B-R-K) means %26quot;blessed.%26quot; In Arabic, the root word is used in many other phrases to denote blessings and to describe people who are blessed:

* Mabruk! = %26quot;Congratulations!%26quot;

* Barakallah feek = %26quot;May God bless you%26quot;

* Barakah = blessings from God (feminine version of the name)

Senator Obama%26#039;s middle name is Hussein, which was his grandfather%26#039;s first name. The name, of Arabic origin, means %26quot;good%26quot; or %26quot;handsome one.%26quot; The name Hussein (now an embarrassment to Obama) is only given to Muslim children.

Senator Obama%26#039;s surname is not uncommon among the Luo tribe, one of the three largest ethnic groups in Kenya. They speak the Dhoulou language.…


there is nothing that he won%26#039;t lie about to get elected ,and why right now ,why can%26#039;t we wait till we know more about him,i wouldn%26#039;t buy a car with as little information as i have about the real barry obama.
Wake up people and look into the dishonesty of Obama

It seems like we%26#039;re missing something big about Ayers here: he is impenitent. He%26#039;s not just a %26quot;former%26quot; terrorist. In fact, he says he wishes he%26#039;d done more. In other words, now he%26#039;s philosophically a bigger terrorist than he was then. He hasn%26#039;t changed his mind; all he did was change jobs.

And how has Obama handled it? He%26#039;s backed up on his mistake, but only after he was called on it. Why don%26#039;t we know when Obama found out about Ayers%26#039; background? Because he didn%26#039;t think it was important enough to stand up and publicly denounce Ayers-- until it was making him look bad.

Still, Obama wants to brush off the question. Sure, he%26#039;s %26quot;denounced%26quot; Ayers-- with an %26quot;aw gee%26quot; attitude. But the allegation that he%26#039;s %26quot;palling around with terrorists%26quot; is a huge one, which obviously hasn%26#039;t gone unnoticed. Voters will feel it%26#039;s an unanswered accusation until Sen. Obama makes a single, loud and clear denunciation.

1) Ayers is completely and utterly unrepentant and has stated, more than once, that he %26quot;wished he had done more%26quot;

2) This is not the only person with whom Obama has been friendly that has an unsavory history. In fact, Ayers is not the only person who has professed a complete and utter dislike of the country itself - so much so that one wonders why they haven%26#039;t immigrated elsewhere

3) Obama has first called these assorted people %26quot;friends%26quot;, then %26quot;like family%26quot;, then %26quot;mentors%26quot;, then %26quot;acquantences%26quot;, then basically removed himself from them entirely in some cases. That brings up questions as to his truthfulness first and to his loyalty second.

Too many questions about Obama%26#039;s judgement of people, and his loyalty to people and ideas.

It seems pretty obvious to me. If the full truth was told, the overwhelming majority of the American people would reject Mr. Obama at the ballot box.

If it was widely known that Senator Obama sought and received the support of the New Party, a socialist group, in his bid for Illinois state senate, and that his support for their positions was promised in the run up to the election, the overwhelming majority of the American people would reject Mr. Obama at the ballot box. That explains why this important detail is omitted from Mr. Obama%26#039;s biographies and website.

Senator Obama is making an attempt to seem centrist, but he is not. He has not voted that way. He has made the decision to align himself with people who do not believe that way. He has said that he wants to be appear to be a blank slate so that others can project their beliefs onto him.

Is this really the kind of person we want to be President of the United States?

And, to Obama supporters - I%26#039;m really not interested in your attacks on Mr. McCain as an answer to these questions. Don%26#039;t change the subject - aren%26#039;t you the least bit curious as to why these questions are being answered directly?