Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I wanna ask this girl to the dance?

There's a semi formal dance for 9th grade in june and the tickets are being sold near the end of may and their $20. I was sittin with the girl I like that i've been friends with since the beggining of the school yr. She said something about semi and told her bestfriend she may not be going, but she might, cuz she doesnt even hve her dress. I'm going to ask her to semi either next week or the week after. This is how im going to ask, and wat if she says this:

me: are you going to semi?

her: no

me: (1)o, cuz i wanted to take you to semi, but since yur not going...

(2) I was jw cuz i wanted to know if u wanted to go with me, if you change your mind.

okay so help with thisI wanna ask this girl to the dance?Just ask her if she is going too semi %26amp; ask if she whants too go with you.

Just say:

Hey %26quot;her name%26quot; If you are going too the semi would you want too go with me?

And have a sweet facial expression when you ask her, And grin too.

That is how a boy asks a girl too a dance. it works all the time!
I wanna ask this girl to the dance?
Go out on at least one date with her, like semi, before you ask. Don't ask at the dance. Instead of asking like that, just be like, %26quot;I'm looking for a date and you'd be perfect. Will you go to the semi-formal dance with me?%26quot;
I wanna ask this girl to the dance?
i likee the 2nd one [=

straight forwardd...and easy.

answerr my question....;鈥?/a>
I think you should just ask her clean will you go to the semi with me? that or just number 2. And you should ask her out when you dance
2nd one always works ;)
the second would at least let her know you are into her but she still can say no
Future, if you want to take this gal to the dance, ask her tomorrow. If you wait, someone else may ask her and she may say ok to him, and you will have been cut out.

The way that you ask her, is to see her, and look at her eyes and say %26quot;Her name, I would like for you to go to the dance with me. Will you?%26quot; Wait for her response, and smile at her while you wait.

Practice this before you go see her. Practice with your mother or your sister and get it perfect 10 times before you call her. You want to be able to get this out perfectly before you. Call her and tell her that you want to come over and see her for a minute.

Good luck.


First of all, don't wait a week or two to ask her. Someone else could ask her while you are trying to get the nerve to do it yourself. There is no reason to may be sorry you did.

Secondly, I always think that the direct approach is the best. You should approach her the next time you see her and say, %26quot;Would you like to go to the dance with me%26quot;? You don't have to say anything about her saying she wasn't going or if she changes her mind. Let her know that you really want to take her. If she likes you, she will be thrilled that you asked.

She probably said she wasn't going because she doesn't have a date, so...problem solved.

And lastly, I suggest going to the dance and see how things go before asking her to be your girlfriend. You will already be feeling anxious about the dance...there is no reason to add the pressure of asking her to be your girlfriend the same night. There is plenty of time for that. Just go to the dance and have a good time. If it is meant to be, things will fall into place.

Also, another reason to ask her out now is that girls take a while to find a dress. It is very important to us! You don't want to wait until 1 or 2 weeks before the dance because she might feel rushed. Trust me....ask her now.

Good luck and I hope this helps!
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