Sunday, October 16, 2011

I'm so totally confused right now xD?

Alright. If anyone from my school sees this, con-frickin'-grats. you know the innermost workings of my psyche. I don't know if i like this guy or not, and i'm PRETTY sure most of you guys know who it is if you know me irl.

Okay, so there's this guy that I've known ever since 8th grade. He started out as really annoying and I wanted to kick his ***, right?

We bickered back and forth all the time, and i hated his guts. But as the year went on, we became... well, frenemies would be the term xD

Like we have some inside jokes with just each other, and we went to boulder and denver together for a Science club thing that me and him and a few other friends did, and we ended up in almost every class together in Highschool, and we ended up getting to know each other pretty well.

Well then 9th grade rolls around and we're in pretty much every class together. We always ended up chatting over e-mail in our computer class thing, and like... idk. But then he was telling me about how he made a bet with one of his friends that if he actually GOT a date to homecoming (he's not the most well liked guy in the school... in fact almost everyone hates him. But i think it's sorta cool how resilient he is and how he's not afraid to be himself :)) then his friend would give him $20 to pay for the couples' ticket. So i emailed him and the dialogue was as follows:

Me: Umm... kay. So i might have an idea but it'll involve some severe humiliation on both our parts.

Guy: What? I want the 20 bucks. I'll eat dog crap to get it xD

Me: No nothing that bad. But maybe... we could go just as friends? then we'll both have a pretty good time just hanging out and you get the 20 bucks.

Guy: Sounds fair. Restivo, i would like to officially ask you to homecoming.

Me: LOL :D

But then he brought me over to his friend and got the 20 bucks and we started hanging out with a few other friends, and he said that he wasn't even going to homecoming. I... sorta thought he was xD

So i tried to pretend i wasn't hurt by it, but i sorta was a little bit. So i put on this front that i was over it, which i guess in a way i was. I mean, I've been dumped for stupid reasons before (i.e. because i don't like anime, because i wouldn't **** him, etc.)and i've totally bounced back and said %26quot;**** it, they're not worth it%26quot; but this one really hurt. But i did my whole Freudian Sublimation thing and tried to focus on my art (so now you know that the periods of time that i upload MASSIVE amounts of art to deviantart at a time means that i've just been dumped) and it worked for a while but idk.

Now, i really don't know if I still like him or not... we banter back and forth all the time, we laugh at each other's jokes, we're pretty good buds, even though it seems like we're just being asses to each other... we're friends, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if i like him like... THAT anymore. Like today we totally traded yo mama jokes and neither one of us got offended by them even though i normally go batshit insane when someone talks about my mom. He's just a special case i guess... and in one of my only classes without him i found myself sorta thinking about him or what i'm gonna diss him about next.

And it seems like he likes me too... like when we were scheduling for next year he asked me when i had my AP Government class and i told him, then I saw my Comp/Lit teacher walking around and looking at everyone's schedule, and she looks at his and says, %26quot;Why'd you change your government class to block 3? you said you had it perfect%26quot; and I couldn't help thinking that he changed that class around because I was in that same class, which means he has to be in the same Comp/Lit and French classes as me next year too.

I don't know, you guys... I just need some help sorting my feelings out xDI'm so totally confused right now xD?TOOOOO LONGGGGGG......
I'm so totally confused right now xD?
Oi this is an insane amount of information but let me start with my decision. He likes you, whether you like him or not is something you need to figure out for yourself. Now here comes the tricky part, he likes you, but he's afraid at the same time. That's why he would cancel the homecoming thing. He put himself that close to going with you, became unsure of himself and was afraid that if he went to far he would end up being let down. It sounds like he isn't all to sure whether you like him or not either. He puts up these fronts where it looks like he's just shrugging this stuff off, but it sounds like he's one of those guys who won't let his more precious feelings show. My guess, from what you say is that he hasn't had very many girlfriends (or any at all) for a long time either. This can be a very discouraging factor for a boy teen in high school.