Sunday, October 16, 2011


to all the harry potter fans.. how did you first learn about the books and how did they change your life?

as for me well i picked the first one up randomly in fourth grade and couldn't put it down. i am now in eleventh grade and just about the only literate person in my small town. he he. not kidding. but any way yeah harry potter got me hooked on reading and im actually pretty smart because i can read and my friends are on seventh grade reading levels..HARRY POTTER QUESTION!!!?OMG HP! I'm a fangirl, too! Twilight watch out...

Ok, well.. My aunt bought me my first Harry Potter book, but it was actually Chamber of Secrets. I tried reading it, not realizing it was a series. Well then I bought the first... and I've been hooked ever since!

It's changed my life because it's gotten me through some tough times. When I read, I feel like I can be in another time and place and nothing can stress me out :)
librarian suggested it 2 me.
it didn't really change my life...

i seen the movies before and i liked them and my godsister encouraged me to pick up the books so i did
i watched the first movie and read the first book then read the second book watched the 2nd movie then read the third and watched the 3rd. after that just watched the movies...the books just got really big for some strange reason
Chuck Norris
My brother read them thats how I learned about them. The reading level is good thats what I thought.
I found the first three books in the car garage. I'm not exactly sure where they came from or who put them there, but I'm so glad I found them! They changed my life just because they got me to start reading. I actually think they made me want to become more involved in school and learning, but it might just be a coincidence. xD
oh wow i fist learned about them from my friend he read the book when it first came out in 1997 so he let me have them in 2000 and ive read the entire series up until 2007 i like to read alot more than i used to because of harry potter
My mum bought the first one
my brother actually. but it didnt really change my life it was just a great series of books to read =]
well i First heard the First one as the Liberian read it to us then i just went ahead and read the rest # 7 is boring
My friends and I were roaming the school library, I was in the third grade and I picked it up. My dad and I started reading it together because it was a little more advanced then what I was used to reading, and we have been hooked on the books ever since. I read the books out loud to my family. It takes a long time to get through them but it gives us all tiem together. And we get to discuss the books since they all tie in and you find something new every time you read them.
Reading hp is nothing to brag about, its very poorly written, its just a good story. Being the only person in your town to have read the books is impressive. I picked up the first one when it just came out, tried reading it and hated it. Some several years later i saw it on my shelf and tried it again. From then on i was hooked.
Harry Potter had currently made 6 films, including the novel books.
lol, I was so bored of the books my mum would recommend to me, so I went to the librarian and asked what books I'd might like. Then she recommended me the Harry Potter books!! :)

HP got me reading more often than I already did, and it also made me believe in magic... :)
I first heard of Harry Potter when I was probably in first grade.

My mother tried to get me hooked on the series, and I turned her down. Probably in the middle of my second grade year, I was looking for a simple book to read, and my eyes fell on The Sorcerer's Stone (I distinctly remember rolling them, too), so I picked it up. Love at first word...that series is SO well written, and the characters are so personable.

They're so FUN to read, too - but I have to admit, I didn't like Deathly Hallows. :(
I thought they were gayyyyyy at first, but in 8th grade I read The Order of the Phoenix and actually loved it so I started from book one and was hooked!! So far they are my favorite series.

Iam also in 11th grade, btw Harry Potter is WAY better than the Twilight saga dnt ya agree?
I first learned about the books from the 1st movie. it changed my life because it helped me to become more interested in reading. but I really couldn't read it while I was In 3rd grade because I went to a catholic school, and my teacher didn't want the books in her classroom
I had heard of it but was not very interested..then I was babysitting two girls ans they wanted me to read it to them..Oh boy I was hooked I had two books to catch up on and I had to borrow them..Now I'm 30 and I have my own set..I love Harry Potter.Can't wait for the new movie!
Loved the movies (I was younger back then) and my brother always said that the books had more stuff than movies. He wanted me to read as well but I didn't want to so he literally forced me to or else he would beat me up xD. Well I didn't and escaped him but after watching goblet I began to get hooked.
i was 15 and i was at my dad's for the summer in germany. i didn't know anyone except my dad, step mom, and sister. we didn't get to do a lot while i was there because my dad was working. i was so bored around the house and my step mom had the harry potter books on her book shelf so i picked up the first one and read it. then read the rest of them while i was there. it got me through that summer vacation at my dads.
Well i first learned about the books for a friend, she liked to read and just talked about that, she was really beatiful and she asked me to read it, and I said, ok. But the i liked the book, now i'm fan.
My friends got me to read it actually! I was like... what should I read? I'm bored...

And they were like HARRY POTTER

And when I read it I was like o.O WOW!!!!

So now I'm hooked! XD
Harry Potter didn't changed my life. First I read all the books and then I watched films. Then I read once more time all the books (I was bored).

I love that story. Films are good to.. My life was not changed, when movie come I watch it.. That's all...
Well my friend recommended the books and when she saw i had like no intention to read them she lent me the first book. I picked it up, totally unaware that this book would be my life over the next couple of years and couldn't put it down! I borrowed all the other books off her and then bought them all from the bookshop.

It changed my life so much as i love the stories, they are so intriguing and i soon became obsessed. I can't find the words to explain why these books are so amazing, but as a Harry Potter fan, I'm sure you will understand :)
my grandma sent me the first one (actually she sent it to my mom to read to me, since i couldn't read very well back then because i was like 5) and i got hooked, i must have read them all at least 3 times, but the fourth one more like 8!
i am not really a harry potter fan . but..... when it comes to think abput it.....

harry potter did do some help in my life. you know !

i am 13 now. and wen i was 9 my reading was so bad that i was one of the worst in my class. but harry potter did help me a lot. now i am one of the best in my class.
haha me me hooked.

i actually bought the 1st book from a thrift store and couldn't put it down
I read it because my son was worried about reading it.He'd caught bits and pieces of the controversy in the news and was worried about doing something bad- He was 13. So he brought me the first two books and asked me to look at them. I remember because the third book had just come out and I was thinking of picking it up for him for his birthday.

It became ritual for us to read them together when they first come out and to discuss things that happen on a semi regular basis. We even indoctrinated my mother into the process. The three of us share an interest in a lot of the same reading material and it's brought us closer together than many families I see today. My Mother passed on earlier this year and its been difficult for my son and I because we think of all the books we want to share with her.
Grandmother sent me the first one many moons ago. Didn't read it until the second one came in the mail (she sends me all of them). Mainly read it because of the fad at the time, but now I like it a lot. I took latin in high school and used the spells and various other curses in the series to work on my latin a little.
A kid at my school who looked like Harry talked a lot about it in fourth grade, so I started reading it and got hooked.