Sunday, October 16, 2011

Survey Takers Needed - 12 Questions - Married People Only...?

--Grade 12 Families Class, Anonymous, Needed for a survey due on monday.

1) How long have you been married?

2) Do you have children?

3) How did you meet your current spouse?

4) What does it feel like to be %26quot;in love%26quot;?

5) How long [after the engagement] did you wait to get married?

6) At what age did you get married?

7) How did marriage change your relationship?

8) What is the best part?

9) What is the hardest part?

10) Any regrets?

11) Any advice?

12) Do you think having the same religion has an impact on your relationship?

If you feel uncomfortable answering any of these, leave it blank. Thank you!Survey Takers Needed - 12 Questions - Married People Only...?1) 29 1/2 years

2) 2

3) In a bar

4) your the happiest person walking around

5) 1 year

6) 27

7) It made me feel closer more his.

8) You have a best friend someone you can count on.

9) Losing your freedom to come and go as you please.

10) Always,never

11)Never marry before 25 because it won't last.

12)Wouldn't know don't have religion either of us.
Survey Takers Needed - 12 Questions - Married People Only...?
is you nickname from the twilight books?
Survey Takers Needed - 12 Questions - Married People Only...?
1) 3.75 years

2) God, no.

3) He was the DM (dungeon master) of my roleplaying group. Not as kinky as it sounds.

4) Fabulous!

5) A year? yeah, that's right.

6) 22. Exactly.

7) We moved in together and finally started having intercourse (he wanted to wait). He also began supporting me, since I was still in school.

8) Sleeping together. Actually sleeping, I mean. It's really nice to have someone else in the bed. Followed by living with my best friend.

9) I have to nag to get him to do the dishes and he takes everything really personally (he has low self esteem).

10) I kind of wish I'd had an opportunity to live on my own--I moved out of my parents house and into his apartment. I also kind of wish I'd waited to have sex. It would have been really nice to have shared my first time ever with my hubby.

11) Make sure he's (she's) really the one. Also, make sure you can accept him as he is, because you're not going to change him. And don't forget that your spouse has needs, too. Treat him good, and he'll be good to you.

12) Tricky question. We're both christian, but he's a baptist and I'm sort of Catholic. It's been difficult because some of our beliefs are pretty different, and neither of us really likes going to church alone. Still, I think if our base religion were different, things would be alot trickier.
1] 39 years

2] 3

3] In a bar

4] The other person becomes like an extention of yourself, and we all love ourselves

5] 16 months

6] 23

7] Relationships in long term marriages are ever evolving. I am not the same person at 62 as I was at 23 and neither is she. We constantly evolve into different, but the same people.

8] Your with your best friend

9] Keeping your own identity

10] No, I don't think so, got the best partner I could have wanted

11] The real person you married comes out at the end of the first year, that's the one you really married

12] We are of the same religion and it makes it easier
1) How long have you been married?

16 years

2) Do you have children?


3) How did you meet your current spouse?

At work.

4) What does it feel like to be %26quot;in love%26quot;?

I realized that I had %26quot;holes%26quot; in my life - and quickly found that she filled in those holes. To be really cliche', she %26quot;completed%26quot; me.

5) How long [after the engagement] did you wait to get married?

After engagement - about two weeks. I married her three months to the day after I met her.

6) At what age did you get married?


7) How did marriage change your relationship?

It didn't at all.

8) What is the best part?

She's always there when I need to share, to vent, to hold and to be held.

9) What is the hardest part?

Damned woman has a spine and brain of her own!! Actually, that she is an independent woman is one of the big reasons I married her.

10) Any regrets?

That I didn't meet and marry her fifteen years earlier. We also have very different sex drives.

11) Any advice?

Be patient. Be supportive. Remember that you are no longer a person - you are a team - and you will go a long time. Also keep in mind that you don't lose your identity - you are still a person - and you will last a long time.

Howzat for confusilating advice??

12) Do you think having the same religion has an impact on your relationship?

Not at all. I'm a devout agnostic and she's a cafeteria Catholic.