Friday, October 7, 2011

How to motivate myself to read more ?

I'm not a huge reader but i'm willing to change. How reading improved your life ? Do you have better grades in school? Do have better vocabulary ? Does it expan your knowledge in some way ?How to motivate myself to read more ?Reading exposes you to new words but its really up to you if you use them and all reading expands your knowledge.
How to motivate myself to read more ?
choose books that interest you.

theres nothing worse than trudging through an awful book for weeks, but hey thats school sometimes..
How to motivate myself to read more ?
Yes, reading improves your life by opening yourimagination. If you read more, you are more outgoing.
Reading is awesome. Just find a topic you are interested in and go to your local library. Once you have read a few such books, try asking the Librarians for suggestions. Try something new, you might like it.

But to answer your obvious questions, YES, reading does expand your knowledge and improves your grades and vocabulary.
Reading has helped my vocabulary, not necessarily my grades. My advice would be to read a genre/subject that you like. if you don't like what you are reading you will never want to finish the book, or ever read again!
find a topic which interests you. do you like sport/music? buy some books which relate to your hobbies/interests ..because if you don't like reading, you would surely find fiction plain boring.
I do think that because I love to read I have a better vocabulary than most. I've never had trouble with learning new words either, because I learn new words all the time from reading.

Also, teachers are very impressed if you connect the class to a book you read on your own, especially if they know the book.

You can motivate yourself to read more by only reading books that look interesting to you, novels and such about what interests you. Only move on when you are reading a lot, then you can move on to other, higher level books.
Just dive right into a book and if it catches your interest then your set. reading is alright if you have the time or you need to pass the time somehow. It sure does help your vocabulary and helps expand your knowledge in many ways depending on what you read. Give it a try it could be nice for you.
Yes, reading does help you in many ways, I think a good way to get into reading is find a book or a topic that is of interest to you, go to the library or book store and ask the librarian or worker there for suggestions and tell them what you are into, I would recommend the Twilight series, I am reading it now and it is a very good book series, you will get into reading if you find a book you'd like, there are always books for everyone.

~Good Luck!
Actually just this past year I started to become a huge reader. Before I read because I had to for school, but now I love to read for fun and it has really helped me in school. It has helped me use better vocabulary and write a lot better which makes me get better grades. But pick books that peek your interest!!!
all you have to do is think about your future if you read more you are more likely to get a better job
Reading helps you learn in many ways. Also open a whole other world up for you and helpe's spelling, logical thinking, imagination, and creativity. So read, try reading the Twilight series. There easy to read, fun to read, and they are very good fantasy.
I am a huge reader - started very young and kept going. I started on a story/topic that interested me and picked a series. Another easy way to get the book of a movie you liked and try and find the differences.

Vocabulary, Grades - Absolutely better. Plus I have become a killer speller. I look at it like this. Only 3% of Americans have a library card that they use. Great books, no cost. The average person reads about 1 book a year. So, if you read a good book and learn something, you are ahead of the other guy who doesn't. Read a book a month and you have learned 12 times as much as average American. I read a book a week. 52 times as much learning. I have been doing it for 10 years. 520 times as much learning as the Jones next door.

So ask yourself, is that a competitive advantage? I'm not just talking about trivia night at the local parish. It rolls over into life in every aspect; love, success at work and in almost every social situation.
yes to all of the above.

just read what interests u.

read on the bus , while waiting . before u go to sleep...good luck

by the way i have a little vocabulary notebook in which i write my new voc. and revise it often
Read books about subjects that interest you