Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How's the education system in your country?

Okay, I'll try to be as clear as possible. I need to know what age studies in what year/grade in your country, when you have all the major exams, when you switch from primary to secondary school, when are your semester breaks, when does your school year start etc.


In Malaysia, school year starts in the first week of January.

3-6 : kindergarten (optional)

7-12: primary school standard 1-6

at 12 years old, we have the first government exam (or how you put it) or UPSR somewhere in Sept.

Then we go to secondary school. (either you change school or you remain at your primary school, assuming it has a secondary school as well, which is rare)

13-15: Form 1-3

Then we have PMR in Oct, which basically determines which streamline you're going. this age group is know as lower secondary

16-17: Form 4-5

at 17, we'll have SPM in Nov, then it's either on to Form 6 which lasts for 1 and a half years or A levels etc. (pre-U courses)

That's about how I need to know it, except that I would be really grateful if you can include any extra details like, when do you opt for which subjects you want, what are the compulsory subjects to take. I know that in some countries you separate the groups into elementary school, middle school and high school. Can you (if you happen to come from such a country) explain more about that?

Plus, I'm from Malaysia so no offense but I don't think I'll need more info from my own country.

ThanksHow's the education system in your country?It varies some in the United States. Kindergarten starts at age 5, but some schools recommend an additional year wait for those that are not socially prepared. Many areas have Pre-K. for younger kids who are ready early. Primary used to be 1 to 6, but 6th has been added to Jr. Highs and they have turned into Middle schools. Some areas have 3 year high schools but most have 4 years, both of which end at 12th grade. Most people graduate at age 18.

Many states are testing students starting in the third grade but they don't affect the student except to point out where they may need extra help.Most public schools do not have tests that the students ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO PASS until High School and here in California it tests at the 8th or 9th grade level. That is you have to have an 8th or 9th grade level education to pass it. And you can take it many times before senior year.

Students may have some choice in classes in Middle school but all should by High school. Everyone takes English, Math, Science and a Government, History or other social science class each year. (Except the last two years of high school where they might not have a math or science class)

Also, in most elementary schools, the student has one teacher for all subjects and at middle and high school, each teacher teaches a single subject so they have to go to several classes each day.

This is very general and may be completely wrong for some private schools, but I hope this helps you.
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