Friday, October 7, 2011

Are kids that get good grades bullied at your school?

By %26quot;good grades%26quot; I mean B+ to- A+ most of the time.

You always hear stereotypes about school and how the %26quot;smart%26quot; kids tend to be outcasts due to the fact they get good grades. I've heard a few school kids say that too.

However in elementary it seems that most of the pooular kids were popular because of their friendliness and grades. Mostly grades.

For example, I'm not friendly at all, and yet it seemed like everyone in my class liked me for some reason.

However in junior high it changed. I never payed attention to my fellow students though, so I wouldn't know how.

Why would someone bully someone because of their grades? That sounds like the bully has self esteem problems or something. But then again, isn't that what usually causes people to bully? Some sort of problem.Are kids that get good grades bullied at your school?No, because grades have nothing to do with whether or not kids get bullied at my schools. It's based on status. The popular kids who get good grades are so popular, and aren't bullied. But, the losers who get good grades are bullied and picked on. There's this sense of hierarchy -- the popular ones don't get picked on. It has nothing to do with grades.
Are kids that get good grades bullied at your school?
To answer your first question, no. Students in my school rarely gets bullied. And most of them are smart AND popular.
Are kids that get good grades bullied at your school?
No, if you get good grades at my school they want to be your friend at ask you for help most of the time. They are very popular.
No one gets bullied at my school, if you do get %26quot;bullied%26quot;, you'll fight back it's not like elementary anymore.
haha, no and I laugh at all the stereotypes that they show on tv shows about smart ppl.

The smart ppl at my school are not bullied, in fact their really popular and well respected.
Nope. I get good grades and no one really cares. Some of what you might consider the %26quot;popular kids%26quot; are failing half their classes and no one cares about that, either. They only people who get teased for grades are those who feel the need to be obnoxious and belittle others if they feel they aren't as good as them.

Bullies are insecure and %26quot;nerds%26quot; are %26quot;usually scrawny%26quot; is where I believe that stereotype comes from.
In my school it isn't like that at all... the football players are the ones trying to get's the punk kids that get the bad grades, but they don't bully anyone, usually, they're very nice. It's just the occasionaly d0ucheb@g who tries to bully someone, and they always get punched in the face.

I think it's always a self esteem issue with bullies...they just don't feel very good about themselves and want to bring some random people down with them, I guess.
no not really...i know this one pretty girl straight A student..and she's really popular :)..its all about the personality :)
Nope. Usually the bullied kids get bad grades, probably because of the added stress in school and unhappiness.
No. Most class averages are really high in my school. Even in the college courses which are seen as 'stupid people' classes the averages are high. I don't think I've ever seen someone bullied for high marks.
Bullies usually have problems at home that they don't know how to deal with soo they take it out on the kids who don't usually have friends that will stand-up for them. But I have to say I'm very short, but I have never been picked on. I was always the kid who stood up to the bullies for my friends. I am a 3.5 student and I do not get bullied. I don't really think that kind of thing happens in jr. high or high school anymore. But elementary is a different story I believe. Great topic to bring up!
well i have a 4.0 and dont get bullied i have a lot of friends but i guess it really depends on the person