Sunday, October 16, 2011

Do you think I should ever forgive her?

me and my bff now exbff have been best friends since like kindergarten but then she moved away and became my best friend again when we were in 3rd grade I had to ditch my other friends to be her friend again becasue my friends and her coulnd't get along we tried then we started fighting this year AGAIN she had been in a fight with her friends which are my friends also she kept leaving me and like I was getting pissed and then she lied to us and said she couldn't stay but then the next day we find out she did stay this is a conversation we had a few days ago do you think I should ever forgive her or should i Just ignore her and not deal with her anymore she also called my BFF a ***** when we were in school

I say %26quot;if you have something to say to me just say it. So what now I can't have my status as my fav song lyrics%26quot; she replies saying

not all my status are about you god my life doesn't go around you

I say well whenever i change my status you do

she says

no i change my status when ur offline god are u stalking me get a life and ***** off

i say

You change your status when I%26quot;m on also if u change it when I%26quot;m offline then how is your status alwasy directed at me and my friends and also I%26quot;m not stalking you I actually have a life not like some people it shows me when someone changes there status

she says

listen stop stalking me and get a life i change it when ur not on and my life is NOT about u and neither are my status so get ur paranoid *** away from me kk thanks bye *****

(thats not the first time she has called me the C word)

i say

funny really funny you know you make me laugh I could say the same to you becuz we've actually had like fights without talking so I guess it wasn't me it was some other person u were saying all that stuff to funny really funny my life isn't about you anymore u never actually cared I can't believe how long we were friends glad its over becuz it finally showed me that i don't know who you are I never have BYE BIT CH hope some day you can get a life

she says

dont be such a **** ing hypocrite u have **** ing changed into this little stuck up wanna be little puink *** mother ******* who i could honestly care less about so go on with ur drama queeen spreading rumors bit ches and leave my perfect happy life without u ALONE ty selfish wanna be ***** kk bye bye thanks for the annoying and wasteing time chat u made me go through now plz go to hell and ***** urself have a horrible day bitchey

(so nice isn't she)

i say

if It was such a waste of time why didn't you just ignore it and you know what I hope you do have a good life while it lasts becuz some day your going to realize how much ppl cared about you but you didn't care about them and I hope that your boyfriend stays wiht you even though he finds out your lying about who you really are nice icon picture and i can't wait to get out of here so I don't have to see you anymore have a nice life karmas a *****

Yea her boyfriend doesn't even know the real herDo you think I should ever forgive her?You Shouldn't Forgive Her Because Why Would Waste Your Time Trying To Be Friends With Some-one Who Never Cared For You.And Plus You Probably Lost Good Friends Because Of Her. So Shes The One Messing Up her Life. Dont Let Mess Up Your Life To
Do you think I should ever forgive her?
You should totally keep stalking her, it seems to be working well.