I am writing this letter to dispute school uniforms. They violate our freedom of speech and our parents rights. In example, a student chooses to wear an Obama T-shirt which clearly expresses their encourage and support for him. But under this dress code The student would not be able to wear the shirt therefore, taking away his/her right To Show support. Also, if a parent/guardian does not want to have their child in a uniform it is their right and personal decision to not put them in one.
You seem to think that uniforms will help academics and behavior. Wrong again. If a student was called ugly or fat before the uniforms will the uniforms really change anything?
Here is all the cons you probably didn’t even think about.
1. Violate a student's right to freedom of expression
2. Are just a “quick fix” to school bullying.
3. Parents pay taxes to run the school not you so they should be able to buy the clothes THEY want for their kids.
4. Are very difficult to get students to wear.
As copied from http://knol.google.com/k/gregory-aymond/dress-codes-uniforms-in-schools/1jc4p62u8o21w/2?locale=en#, “In school dress code cases, the United States Supreme Court has said that rights of students must be balanced against a justified %26quot;showing that the students' activities would materially and substantially disrupt the work and discipline of the school.%26quot; Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U.S. 503 (1969). In Tinker, the Supreme Court upheld the rights of students to wear black arm bands to protest the Vietnam War. The Court also noted that this Nation has repudiated the %26quot;principle that a State might so conduct its schools as to%26quot;foster a homogeneous people.%26quot; id. In CHALIFOUX v. NEW CANEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST.,976 F. Supp. 659 (S.D.Tex. 1997), that federal court struck down a school rule that prohibited students from wearing Catholic rosaries. %26quot;The First Amendment protects not only verbal and written expression, but also symbols and conduct that constitute %26quot;symbolic speech.%26quot;.” The constitution protects “symbolic speech which includes T-shirts and some pants. Taking that right away is AGAINST THE LAW! In case you forgot here is the first amendment as copied from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
I really hope you will put some time and thought into changing your mindset on uniforms. They really upset us students and you should do a survey on us and see how we feel about it. Thanks in advance for you time
Rebekah Bryant
Leland Middle School
6th Grade
Brunswick County School District
North Carolina
this was written after much research.What do you think of my letter against school uniforms?I think it's a great letter. That will for sure get a lot of attention. Especially all those signatures!What do you think of my letter against school uniforms?I am sure as a citizen of the US, you used your freedom of speech at the board meeting. Apparently , more than 135 people agreed with the board and decided in favor of having a uniform dress code. The majority rules in this country still. Next time, work on getting people to like and agree with U
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What do you think of my letter against school uniforms?umm the school will probably ingore this letter you can't change the rules only the school can so ur stuck with uniforms so i would just deal with it for nowI think your letter is awesome. It is very persuasive.I think that one person's letter isn't going to change didly sqwat.Okay, I will tell you right now.SCHOOL UNIFORMS are better for the following reasons:
1. If you wake up late you don't have time to pick out something without wondering if your friends will like it.
2. I had to wear uniforms a while ago and I was completely against wearing them. At the time it seemed VERY bad and unfair. Now, I go to a non-uniform school and I am BEGGING my parents to find a uniform school.
3. Think of the other students! Some kids can not afford to buy clothes to fit the %26quot;Latest Style%26quot;. Some kids WILL be made fun of!!!!
I do admire your decision to figt the %26quot;man%26quot; though!Try to get as many signatures as you can! It might also help if you got parents signatures to show that adults support this as well as kids. I think this is awesome because i made a letter like this for a student council when i was in 6th grade, and IT WORKED! just keep on working at it and get more signatures.Sweetie, first and foremost, please take your personal info out (your name, school, age, etc), that's VERY unsafe internet practice.
Now, to your letter, it sounds pretty good. I like the information you put in there. I would change %26quot;in example%26quot; to %26quot;for example%26quot; and also check your punctuation and capitalization,
Good luck, I hope it works!Don't send it yet. The grammar needs some more work. Also, uniforms don't violate your freedom of speech, don't say that or they'll just laugh at you. Say they violate your freedom of expression, because clothes are an extension of a person's character and personality...something along this line...say that freedom of expression is a vital component of America's democracy, and you want the freedom to express your political opinion...a right guaranteed by the US Constitution.
I personally am in favor of school uniforms. Saves a lot of hassle in my opinion. I live in London, England, and here, everyone wears a school uniform. If there wasn't a school uniform, parents would be forced to spend even more money on the children's clothes, as their kids would feel pressurized to wear only the best, and thus the kids will then pressurize the parents into buying the clothes. And we know how quickly fashion and other fads change. One minute it's in, the next, it becomes yesterday's news, and %26quot;so last season%26quot;.
So a school uniform would actually save parents a lot of money, they would look smart, be easily identifiable as to which school they attend, which can come in handy in many situations, i.e. if the little kids cause trouble etc.
Besides, i know it's not cool to say, but i've always thought uniforms give you a sense of pride.Uniforms are worn not only to promote the school but to protect students, faculty and others. It also helps prepare us for the business world. Uniforms help us keep tidy and look business prepared. If you were to go to a job interview, would you walk in with jeans around your knees and a big white shirt that says OBAMA08? No. You'd walk in with a nice suit on and present yourself neatly and efficiently. We are to tuck in our shirts to help us with safety. Watch this video:
Freedom of speech is speech. not what you wear. If this was true with what you're saying, we would be allowed to run around naked and say it's freedom of speech/expression, because this is how God created us. They would then precede to smack on handcuffs and a towel on us and take us down town.