Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Final posting with full information: WHAT SHOULD I DO? Teacher hates me,taking license test,presenting project?

So yes I have asked this question numerous times now, but I have recieved no answers of substance. Most of you automatically judge me and assume that I am just not prioritizing school. However, this time I will give the entire explanation. Then, if you choose still to judge me, so be it. However, this may change your idea, and I am hoping that you will be willing to give me advice and feedback. Thank you. I would really appreciate you taking the time to read this; I am very upset. I apolagize for the length.


I created a very large project for this class. It is extra credit. I spent an excess of 20 hours working on it. Initially the teacher promised that it would be worth a minimum of 5-10% however now it is only 2%. I am including this fact only so you realize the magnitude of the assignment.

Insight into me:

I had the project done weeks in advance, and the teacher was well aware of this. I am a very hardworking student. However, that isn't always enough in this class. I do not suck up to the teacher because I can't and also because I personally think it is actually disrespectful. I choose to be very respectful. So, because of this, my grade depends on this project. I do very well in school and accept nothing less than my best.


I brought the project in as requested. I was going to be presenting early. It did not work because the format didn't correspond. I further attempted to make it work. I bround my computer in, the hard-drive, passport, jump drive, saved it to a disk. None of these methods worked. She told me that she would talk to one of the other teachers who had a mac and we could see if it played off his computer. The morning when I was to play it, I came late because I came from an unexpected doctor's appointment. She told me that I could not present because I was not there before school to try it on the other teacher's computer. I politely said that I must have missed something because I did not recall her telling me to come early to try the project on the other computer. Others backed me up here. She got really annoyed at me and said that I am just stubborn and will believe whatever I want to believe even if it isn't true. At this point, I started crying. I was really upset. I had put tons of effort. I explained the situation to her and also told her how my mom is in the hospital. She didn't care. I didn't expect her to care about any of it but I thought she would accept my reason. However, she didn't. When I went back to my seat, students around me asked why I was upset. I told them simply that I was upset that I had put so much effort into a project that didn't work that I wouldn't get credit for because I was absent earlier this morning. The teacher eventually decided to let me present on thursday, the next class. I was very relieved. However, she also expressed that she was mad at me for telling the other students what happened. I asked her what I was supposed to do when they asked me why I was upset. Her response was that I should have just said I was upset about my imovie. She continued saying that everyone has choices and that I made a poor one in telling the students who asked me why I was upset what happened.


I just got home. My mom is home from the hospital; she had a surgury to remove cancerous tissue. I just found out from her that I have my driver's license test this thursday during the class. Taking a license test is not an excused absense. Based on the teacher's behavior, I do not know how I should handle the situation. I cannot reschedule the test because I have it in not even 48 hours and paid for a behind the wheel drive before the test. My parent have already paid for it and you cannot reschedule unless it is more than 48 hours before the exam. Thus I cannot reschedule either the test or practice.

Please post answers! I am trying to get some legitimate responses. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and answer my question!Final posting with full information: WHAT SHOULD I DO? Teacher hates me,taking license test,presenting project?If you want a chance at the extra credit, then show up for school and give the presentation.

I must admit I don't understand everything you're saying about the driver's test and the drive before the test that your parents paid for, but ask one of your parents to call them tomorrow to reschedule it to a time when you don't have to miss school. If they don't credit the money, then that's a loss your parents will have to accept because you apparently didn't know about the test in time. Driving is not more important than school - presentation or not - you said it's not an excused absence. School should be out for the summer soon anyway. Take your driving test then.
Final posting with full information: WHAT SHOULD I DO? Teacher hates me,taking license test,presenting project?
Wow, you are really obnoxious. I am copying this post and sending it to Tesoro. You got perfectly good answers but chose to ignore them because you didn't hear what you wanted to hear. Well, too bad now. Your teacher needs to know you're about to scam her, and so does the school.

One of these days you'll understand that the world doesn't revolve around you and your petty problems.