Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why do i feel sorry for him?

we had a motivational speaker today and he was telling us about life choices and not to drink and do drugs etc. he was telling us that when he was in seventh grade he was suckered into goin to a party, they went over a steep edge and the cubby hole opened up and he hit his head on the corner shaddering his right eye, his left eye never worked after that either, so he is blind, before the speech he said promise me when this is over that YOU WILL NOT feel sorry for me at the end, he said that one time can screw it up for you the rest of your life and how one little incident can change your entire life, and i had got caught on graduation night drinking by my parents and i was taken to the hosiptal and blew a .28 and since then i havent wanted to drink AT ALL cuz i hate what it does to you and im glad i dont do that anymore, i am only a junior in hs but why do i feel bad for this man? he got in the crash when he was in 7th grade and the crash was in 1957 and sice then he has been blindWhy do i feel sorry for him?Uuuum, cos your not a psycho??

Being blind would kinda suck, only someone who lacks empathy wouldn't feel bad for the guy.

Be happy - your normal!
Why do i feel sorry for him?
its ok to feel bad for someone even if they told u not to. its hard to control your feelings. don't feel guilty for feeling bad for him cuz i do too.
Why do i feel sorry for him?
i dont know about you, but i would feel bad for him because he made a mistake and has had to pay the price his entire life.
You feel sorry for him because of your compassion -- a God's gift to men.

And also the fact that you can elate to his story... that you've managed to avoid things like these to happen to you unlike the motivational speaker. He had to go live the rest of his life with what he did back then but you managed to snap out of it before it's to late... and somehow your subconscious tells you that this is what could've happened to you had you not got out of the drinking thing.
its normal to feel sorry for him. glad you dont drink anymore. i quit about a year ago. i drank a whole bottle and puked all over then came home and puked some more. then was grounded for just about ever. drinking isnt as fun as peeps make it out to be huh?