Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I want to impress a girl... but?

Alright, there is the girl at my High school and I think she is beautiful. Anyways, she is a cheerleader, I wouldn't go so far to say that she is %26quot; Top %26quot; of the popular charts thought she is pretty popular ( You get my point ). I had a class with her last year; however, this year I do not. I'm in 11th grade she is in 10th ( a year younger than I ) and I don't really know how to talk to her or impress her. I'm a bit embarrased to do so, what she may say if I want to ask her out ( God it would make me so nervous to be denied ) Although she is really a generous person and forgiving. I mean she is not the bratty kind of person most people think of. I really want to ask her out, and I believe that she is probably one of the few people I have seen in my life that actually are beautiful and are kind at the same time. I see her about once a day in the hall passing by ( We don't really talk ). Here is how it goes.

1. How to approach her

2. What is a good cologne to wear

3. What do I say to compliment her without being like ( Nice shirt! ) or did you change your hair?

4. What do I do to start the move towards her ( Move - attempt to let her know I am interested in her )

5. Should I give her contact information?

6. What do I do if I decide to ask her out ( Formally ) and she says %26quot; No %26quot; or %26quot; Not really right now %26quot; or the most dreaded %26quot; I don't really think this would be right %26quot;.

The last one would almost devistate me but I just am so nervous to see how people would look at me...I want to impress a girl... but?good cologne to wear is david beckhams instinct.

just play cool;鈥?/a>
I want to impress a girl... but?
Just tell her how you feel. Start talking to her, then when you think your ready, just take a risk and ask her. Your only young once! [[ : It doesn't matter what other people think, or how you approach her.. If she doesn't like you (doubt it) she'll think it through since you told her how you feel...!
I want to impress a girl... but?
1.Try walking up to her and cracking a joke to break the ice.

2. Hummer.

3. Well you could joke around and play a funny pick up line, But i wouldnt compliment her randomly out of the blue, makes you seem desperate.

4.Talk to her, ask her what she likes, crack a joke once and a while, But not too many, that will be overkill, Also look her in the eyes when you talk and this may take time, but help her with anything she has a problem with.

6. Say something %26quot;Hey %26quot;name%26quot;, Want to hang out sometime? then if she says sure, give her your contact info and walk away or say you gotta go, cause if you stand there you would look dumb.

If she says says no, then find another girl, dont keep trying to win her heart, theres always someone better.
aqua di gio.. mmm i rape my husband when he wears it. honey be confident and be yourself if she doesn't like or appreciate that then she isn't worth your time. you have to be prepared, she may not be interested, you're not losing anything by asking, worst case you still don't have a girlfriend but at least you'll know that you can move on.
shes in grade 10 and you in 11 and so shed probably be excited someone older than her likes her so

1. in the hallways whens shes at her locker is usually the best time because shes away from her pack of friends and everybody is moving around minding there own business so peoploe wont be paying attention to you

2. dont really worry about cologne as long as your not smelly because i find most girls dont notice it

3. try something like you really stand out from the the other girls or a straight out i think your really pretty or you look nice today trust me these things will make a girl feel good

4. make eye contact but dont do a creepy stare type thing just smile slightly and look at her softly

5. well when you ask her if she wants to do something and she says yes just be like ok heres my number if you need to call

6. just be like ok thats alright but can we try to be friends and just walk it off

*remember that if you two dont know eachother too well it can scare her if you just ask her out suddenly so try to get to know her *
1) just approach her by casually starting conversation and let it flow from ther

2) the new nautica cologne smells super sexy buy it!

3) a compliment should never be forced or pre thought, so just find something you genuinely like about her

4) just continue to talk with her, once you establish a friendship suggest you should hang out sometime, just be chill. she should get the hint once you talk to her alot and want to hang out with her

5)once you suggest hanging out and if she says OK then casually exchange numbers.

6) if you decide to ask her out just play it cool. dont make it a HUGE deal. and if she says no, then it wasnt meant to be and you should move on.

hope this helped
1. Just kinda be like %26quot;O hey (insert name here).%26quot;

2. Get this Hollister cologne

It may be a little pricey but its worth it!

3. Just say something like %26quot;Oh hey like your nails!%26quot; or %26quot;Oh hi (insert name here) your looking better every day!%26quot; or %26quot;Oh hi (insert name here) you look awesome!

4. I GOT THIS QUESTION RIGHT!!! Just say %26quot;Hey! Do you wanna come over sometime!%26quot; or do little flirts like %26quot;Oh your looking awesome today!%26quot;

5. Yeah. Just be like %26quot;Hey we should talk sometime. Here is my phone number. (Writes down phone number) Here ya go!%26quot;

6. Just say %26quot;Oh that's fine. Well we can still be friends, right?%26quot; or %26quot;Oh that's OK. Can we still be friends?%26quot;

I hope I really helped. I'm trying to get a girlfriend too!

1. Since you know her start saying HI at least.Smile, always smile.Ask her something like how her day is going or what classes she has.Girls like questions cause they like to talk.Be yourself you don't really need to impress her.If she doesn't like you for you than screw her.She may not be as kind as you thought but she sounds nice enough to hang out at least.

2. Cologne......Cool Water, girls like that. Or just use that AXE stuff.

3. Tell her she looks nice.Say her hair looks nice, girls are real self conscious about their hair.They spend hours on it.Commenting on clothes is good too shoes is a good one.Don't over do it though.

4. Start talking with her a lot more, get to know her.Try to hang out with her in person.

5. If you two go out on a date or something yes.Movies is an easy one.Although a walk somewhere cool works too chicks like being outside.

6. Don't set yourself up for that, be confident and if she says no or gives you a lame excuse then move on.Just keep it cool continue to say HI to her.Girls like the bad boy, the guy who doesn't give a **** and is confident with himself.Plus she's younger than you and you got that older guy thing going.

Hope that helped.
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