Sunday, October 16, 2011

I need to ask a teacher some questions for a career research project can someone help me out...?

1. where did you go to college? why did you go there?

2.what do like most about your career choice? least? why?

3. what advice can you offer to new college student?

4.why did you pick the school you did?

5. what grade do you teache?

6.what made you choice the career you did?

7.what did you expect to get out of teaching young minds?

8.Do you think teachers get the pay they deserve? long have you've been a teacher?

10.would you change your career for any reason? and why?I need to ask a teacher some questions for a career research project can someone help me out...?1. where did you go to college? why did you go there?

I did a BA in History at Smith College. I did an MA in American Studies at William and Mary and a Graduate Diploma of Teaching and Learning at Christchurch College of Education.

I chose Smith because I loved the campus, loved the way I felt there, and loved spending so much of my time with such amazing women. WIlliam and Mary was a new program, Christchurch was my local option.

2.what do like most about your career choice? least? why?

I love working with my students, helping them to learn new things and discover learning. I least like the paperwork.

3. what advice can you offer to new college student?

Make the most of all your learning opportunities - it is too easy to get caught up in the social stuff and not really make the most of the intellectual opportunities - do independent research, do an internship work with your professors. Also don't commit too early to a major.

4.why did you pick the school you did?

Good location, opportunity for advancement

5. what grade do you teacher? Year 5/6 (9 and 10 years old) in New Zealand

6.what made you choice the career you did?

Was born to do it. Can't explain it any other way

7.what did you expect to get out of teaching young minds?

The chance to make a difference.

8.Do you think teachers get the pay they deserve?

In New Zealand is not too bad - but none of us get what we deserve long have you've been a teacher? 7 years

10.would you change your career for any reason? and why?

If I felt that I was no longer effective or useful to my students than I hope I would get out.
I need to ask a teacher some questions for a career research project can someone help me out...?
1. where did you go to college? why did you go there?

Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Mn I went there for many different reasons: I was impressed with the professors I met, the campus was beautiful, it was in a smaller town, but still fairly close to a metropolitan area, friends, etc.

2.what do like most about your career choice? least? why?

I enjoy being able to work with literature all day. To talk about it, parse it down, play with it, and to help others do the same.

I do not enjoy insane parents - and there are far too many of them. They take up immense amounts of my time, they are often irrational and too convinced of their own rightness to hear what you try to tell them. I don't enjoy the educational bureaucracies, or doing the same thing several times a day, year after year. It gets boring.

3. what advice can you offer to new college student?

Advice about becoming a teacher? Don't do it if it's your backup career (can't tell you how many teacher candidates I have met who are trying to go into teaching as a last resort).

4.why did you pick the school you did?

The school at which I teach? Heh, that's an easy one - I was just out of college and they offered me a job. I took it.

5. what grade do you teache?

8th grade English

6.what made you choice the career you did?

I chose teaching because I'm good at it and generally enjoy it. I chose English because nothing gets me as excited as a good poem.

7.what did you expect to get out of teaching young minds?

A paycheck. Expecting anything else will only lead to disappointment, I'm afraid. Any emotional satisfaction you want from teaching is a byproduct. If it was anything else I would have quit several times by now.

8.Do you think teachers get the pay they deserve?

Some. There is a wide variety of teachers and quality. I have met some who deserve much more than they earn and some who should not have a job at all. If there was a reliable way to measure performance, I would be all for performance pay. (I, of course, deserve at least 5x as much as I make now :D) long have you've been a teacher?

7 years.

10.would you change your career for any reason? and why?

Yes. In fact, this coming school year will be my last. I will be going back to school to pursue a doctoral degree in literature. There are lots of reasons for this, namely,

I'm bored teaching 8th grade,

I'm tired of two or three parents making my work life miserable,

8th grade English is only partially about literature and a lot about other, less interesting things,

did I mention I'm bored?

There ya go - hope this helps
I need to ask a teacher some questions for a career research project can someone help me out...?
You are probably looking for answers from secondary school teachers (high school and below), but I figured it wouldn't hurt to add the input of a college-level teacher:

1. Bachelors degrees in English and History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I chose UNC-CH because it is prestigious, because of its outstanding record, and because I wanted to attend a largely liberal university.

I received my Masters degree in English from UNC-Greensboro because the English program there is excellent, the student body is supportive of one another, and because UNC-G specializes in many of my literary and theoretical interests. I am now working toward my PhD.

2. I mostly like that the English program allows me to debate with others who are interested in the same field; however, it is very time consuming, and I end up doing a lot of work at home late into the night. I have two whiney cats and a husband begging for attention, and sometimes I'd rather just cave in!

3. The greatest advice for a new college student is for the student to simply go to class and stay engaged (even if you don't always want to!). Also, get involved in activities - both social interests and academic. I've been there, I made my own mistakes, and it ended up taking me longer to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

4. I'm technically a teaching assistant because I am still working toward my PhD, although I do teach my own classes without the help of a supervisor. Because I take classes at UNC-G, I also teach there.

5. Freshman English (101)

6. I enjoy engaging in intellectual conversations with others, I find fulfillment in broadening the minds of my students, and I find research enjoyable.

7. I hope to not only prepare students for a career one day, but also to show each student that his/her thoughts DO matter, and that he/she needs to stay active and THINK - always keep thinking and questioning, and communicate those thoughts effectively through rhetorical strategy (both verbal and written).

8. In reference to secondary school teachers, I feel they are some of the most over-worked and undervalued workers in our society and do not get paid what they deserve. It is a shame that they are taken for granted because they play such an integral part in helping to shape responsible young adults.

9. 1 yr at the college level (but I taught kindergarten for 2 years after I graduated from my undergraduate program)

10. No, I would not change my career. I certainly didn't decide on this career for the money though, or I would have continued on with law school (I was pre-law as an undergrad). Both teaching and researching keep my mind sharp and allow me to participate in a positive way with others in my community. The only downside is the massive amount of extra work technically %26quot;off the clock%26quot; and the stress (to publish or not to publish, etc), but it's the compromise I had to make in order to do what makes me feel most fulfilled.
1. where did you go to college? why did you go there?

Malone University in Canton, Ohio. I chose Malone because it was a small school with a good reputation in the field.

2.what do like most about your career choice? least? why?

I love that I am affecting and effecting change in the world.

3. what advice can you offer to new college student?

Find a way to stay organized and you will do just fine.

4.why did you pick the school you did?

It was small and had a good reputation.

5. what grade do you teacher?

I teach English as a Second Language, grades K-5.

6.what made you choice the career you did?

It has always been my passion. I used to teach my Barbies and other stuffed animals.

7.what did you expect to get out of teaching young minds?

I expected to help little people grow and learn.

8.Do you think teachers get the pay they deserve?

No. Teachers are expected to behave in the same manner and have the same knowledge as those in Law and the Medical field, but don't get paid half of that. long have you've been a teacher?

5 years

10.would you change your career for any reason? and why?

No, I wouldn't change my career. I love what I do and it brings me such fulfillment.