Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In your years in high school how have you changed?

For the better or for the worst?

As for me the better. I used to be more insecure. I'm not afriad to roam the halls alone or sit alone at a assembly without my friends. and i realized that your best friend in 9th grade may not be your best friend in 11th. i've also developed ideas and opinion about myself and life, thiings that I will carry on with me forever. Now i'm in my last year of high school and I love who i have become.In your years in high school how have you changed?I've definitely changed mentally and physically..

I know the importance of college and i've changed my focus on what i want my career to be. I'm not boy crazy like i used to be, i realize that impressing the boys isn't my priority and i don't care about peoples' opinions about me. I got 100 haters i need 100 more! I can easily tell when someone doesn't like me, cause theres loads of fake people on this planet. I avoid drama cause it's a waste of time and is too much stress and frustration. Same thing with gossip- it's for people who are bored with themselves and have nothing else to talk about.

I've also realized how Algebra is most useless thing on this planet cause absolutely no one uses it and it should be optional. I've learned not to trust anyone no matter what cause of the bad experiences i've had. I've definitely improved on procrastinating which i know i need to stop! Fortunately i participate in a lot more sports and programs than i used to when i was in middle school. I'm 100% independent so i don't rely on anyone but myself.

Anyway people say high school is the best time of your life. Personally i disagree with that cause high school sucks bigtime! And i can't wait to move out and go free myself in college.
In your years in high school how have you changed?
I am in my last year of high school too.

Grade 8 and 9 were hard years for me; I was insecure about everything: hair, make-up, etc.

Now, I just don't care about those things anymore and I just earned an academic award from all of my hard work.

So...the better for me.
In your years in high school how have you changed?
I agree when you said your best friends in the 9th grade may not be your best friend in the 11th in terms of females. Because every female at my school changes best friend at least twice a month. The guys are not like that.
Well uh, I'm going to be a freshmen so this isn't really the answer you're looking for... but In 2 years of middle school I kinda changed. Like I changed the way I think about like the world and the way people act and all that jazz, and I stopped caring about what other people think of me.
Well, ive only got 2 years under my belt so far. But, i've changed. Im less anoyying. Im more confident and happy with myself. I also dont feel like i need to work to impress people anymore. I also take my schooling more seriously than i did in freshman year.

Physically, i ve changed, too. Im much taller. Also more musular and manly looking. Im also hairier, lol. Freshman year, my voice was changing and cracking all the time, now its all done with that, thankfully.

I think ive changed for the better.
when i first got into high school i was very shy .. and usually kept to myself .. by the time my senior year was over I noticed that I had really opened up... however .. i didn't like a lot of my classmates ... but oh well .. now i'm going to college and i'm ready to show my new self ..