Sunday, October 16, 2011

I need a husband and a wife to answer these questions [separatly]- Quick Gr12 Survey?

--Grade 12 Families Class, Anonymous, Needed for a survey due on Monday. I need a set of answers from the husband and a set from the wife. Thanks so much!

1) How long have you been married?

2) Do you have children?

3) How did you meet your current spouse?

4) What does it feel like to be %26quot;in love%26quot;?

5) How long [after the engagement] did you wait to get married?

6) At what age did you get married?

7) How did marriage change your relationship?

8) What is the best part?

9) What is the hardest part?

10) Any regrets?

11) Any advice?

12) Do you think having the same religion has an impact on your relationship?

I need a husband and a wife to answer these questions [separatly]- Quick Gr12 Survey?1. 7 yrs wife speaking

2. 1

3. wedding

4. Like you cant live with out your best friend

5. 1 yr


7. made us stronger as already made family

8. When you here hear the other tell you that they love you and mean it

9.Know that your husband has cheated on you.

10. not being able to get over him cheating,

11. Always talk and tell the other one that you love them even if they dont say it back. and never go to bed mad at each other.

12. No i dont

1. 7 yrs husband

2. 1

3. wedding

4. good

5.1 yr

6. 25

7.didnt much

8.never having to cook

9. being away from my kid so much

10. having a child before getting married

11. Think before you jump in to marrage

12. No i dont

I need a husband and a wife to answer these questions [separatly]- Quick Gr12 Survey?
1-15 years 2-yes 7 3-At the race track.4- Fantastic,i can't wait to get home to be with her.5-We never got engaged,we dated then just went to the jp and got married.6-40.7-not at all,if any thing it made us stronger.8-sharing my life with her and being a part of her life.9-telling her we can't do some thing that she wants to do%26gt;10-none,i would do it all over again.11-wait until you find that one and only,get to know them well before you jump in.12-Not a bit,i think having the same interests is very important,my spouse and i are best friends,lovers,and partners in life. i will have her fill this out again when she gets home.
I need a husband and a wife to answer these questions [separatly]- Quick Gr12 Survey?

3 boys

through friends


9 months


you start taking each other for granted you use to say to each other thanks for that and now i expect it and dont say thank-you

coming home from work knowing that they will be there

money not being to just going out you have to ask

yes always putting everyone else first and now not having anything just for me

be true to your self and stand up for your self dont always give in because its easier then a fight you need to fight sometimes so both partys are heard and that way sometime you will get what you want rather then its always about them

no it doesnt come into it
1.married 4 yrs. children 3. met at a friends 4. the greatest feeling you can have. 5. 5 months 6. 49yrs.old 7. Didn't 8. Being able to be myself 9. can't think of anything 10. no 11.Be best friends, have trust in each other and be faithful. 12. yes . My husband says the same things that I said.
1) How long have you been married? 42 yrs

2) Do you have children? 2 grown children, 4 grandchildren

3) How did you meet your current spouse? in line at a hot dog stand

4) What does it feel like to be %26quot;in love%26quot;? - I cant describe it. It makes all the hard things in life worthwhile because you are doing them for someone else. It makes me feel %26quot;complete.%26quot;

5) How long [after the engagement] did you wait to get married? 2 days and she proposed to me after dating 5 weeks. We fell hard and fast, but we %26quot;just knew%26quot; and we were right.

6) At what age did you get married? 25

7) How did marriage change your relationship? It made us partners, announced that fact to the world, our friends and family treated as a unit, it didn't really change our relationship with each other.

8) What is the best part? knowing that we are best friends forever

9) What is the hardest part? seeing your love seriously ill and dying and not being able to do anything about it.

10) Any regrets? only that we caved in to her parents and had a wedding they wanted instead of one that we wanted

11) Any advice? Best friends make the best marriages. If you read this section in YA, you will read about people doing things to their spouses that they would NEVER do to their best friends

12) Do you think having the same religion has an impact on your relationship? It made life easier. We have known couples of different religions that made their marriages stronger. When religion interferred seemed to be when one was strongly religious and the other was not.