Sunday, October 16, 2011

A question?? I love whoever answers ahah?

So... if you liked this girl almost allll of the last school year, and knew she liked you back, but you both were in seventh grade and decided not to go out. So yeah you still flirted and talked and it was cute but you didn't really text her because you always lost your phone and just weren't really a texter in general, not that it mattered because you guys talked at school. You keep on liking her until school ends.

So then the summer goes by, you don't talk to her once. School's back, you have no classes together... you see her frequently in the halls but never talk. Then, one day, out of the blue she goes up and talks to you for a bit you SMILE AND ITS HELLA CUTE %26lt;3 while you're the type of guy who has hardly any friends who are girls and who hardly ever smiles... you give her this BIG HEARTMELTING SMILE. :] After this, you change your bike path so you're on the same as hers. A week goes by, and you don't talk, until the last school day you have before valentines day, she gives you a valentine. No biggie, she gave them to a lot of her friends but since you hadn't talked in a while it was a little unexpected. About five days later, over break, she texts you and you actually reply... she gets 21 messages from you in a 24 hour period, you get 19 from her. Now break's over, and you've been at school one day, she hasn't talked to you but it's only been one day.

1) if you were in this situation, would it be possible that you still liked her? (cuase i still like him but I didn't realize it until I spoke to him)

2) Would you think she liked you back? You're not what you would call a ladies man... you've never had a gf, and you aren't popular with the girls lol. Just cuz ur rude ;] (but you've always been so sweet to me! well almost always)

3) WHAT SHOULD I DO TO GET HIM TO LIKE ME?? Tomorrow is 8th graders open gym day were the 8th graders can go play b-ball... and I have to take pictures... I'm 100% sure he'll be there. Any suggestions? I already know what I'm wearing, lol. ALSO... I want to be able to talk to him in the halls more, at least say hi. How, and what do I say?A question?? I love whoever answers ahah?go do your homework..........
A question?? I love whoever answers ahah?
Why don't you just.. ask him if he likes you?

I don't get this whole %26quot;LOL DOES HE LIKE ME OH HE MIGHT NOT AHHH%26quot; thing. Just ask the boy.
A question?? I love whoever answers ahah?
Just talk to him like a friend, no biggie. He's probably confused and shy since he's not experiences talking to girls. Just treat him like a friend and he'll be comfortable around you.
This is ridiculous and far too long and very immature.