Sunday, October 16, 2011

What do you think of my book so far?

“Codie… psst Codie…Codie …CODIE!” my best friend Ainsley shout-whispered into my ear trying to get me to wake-up before my teacher Mr. Fay saw me sleeping.

“Wha?” I said in that just woken up why am I not in my bed mode.

“Codie the movie is over,” Ainsley said.

“Oh,” I said dumbly. “I swear those movies get more and more boring every time.”

“I know right,” said my other best friend Ella, who was walking over towards me and Ainsley.

Right now ‘I know right’ was Ella’s catch phrase.

“When are you going to stop saying that?” I complained to Ella.

“When you stop constantly playing with your hair.”

“Touché,” I responded back.

“Simmer down you two,” Ainsley said trying to keep the peace.

“She started it,” Ella said.

“I know right,” I said in a mock-ish tone.

“You guys chillax!”

There was an awkward silence after that, which Mr. Fay broke.

“You may leave,” Mr. Fay said.

Ainsley, Ella, and I headed towards our lockers. We got lucky this year since we are all in the same homeroom, unlike last year in sixth grade when all of my ex-friends where all in the same homeroom and I wasn’t, which was a big deal, as you can probably see with the ex in ex-friends. Sometimes I wonder why I was ever friends with those attention seeking Paris Hilton wannabes.

“Hey Code, Ella is coming over my house you wanna come too?” Ainsley asked me, forcing me to come out of my trance.

“Oh no thanks I have to watch my younger brother tonight,” I responded.

“Isn’t Brent like ten?” Ainsley asked.

“Yeah, but my mom is paranoid that he would burn the house down… and probably for good reasons.”

“Why can’t Doug watch him – Brent loves Doug!” Ainsley said obviously not seeing how that statement could be offensive to me.

“Because Brent and Doug together will for sure end up in the house being burnt down.”

“Okay well call me if you change your mind,” she chuckled out.

“’Kay bye,” I said

“Bye,” she called back as she walked away.What do you think of my book so far?i like it!!!

i think it has a good start, i hate books that go 'once upon a time' or 'today was going to be..'

i like your choice of names to, they are all really nice
What do you think of my book so far?
I thought that was great. It makes me want to read more. As soon as i read the first paragraph I had to read the rest. Great book, so far! :) When you finish the rest of this story post the parts! lol
What do you think of my book so far?
Oh wow, it's almost as good as Twilight...

You can figure out yourself if that's a good thing or not.
It was okay but not the best you reapeted your self and didn't explain it well either but over all it was good!
punctuations and a little more work on the flow and it will be really good
You repeated names a lot and the dialogue was hard to follow. I'd keep working at it. The first chapter begins in a funny place too.
  • music myspace
  • printer keep jamming