Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What would your grade be for this paper for a social science research paper that i am just summarizing and an?


Assignment # 4:

Biochemical Changes In Brain and Other Tissues of Young Adult Female Mice From Fluoride In Adult Female Adult Female from Fluoride in Their Drinking Water

1. Q: Who conducted the current study?

A: Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal conducted the current study (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, %26amp; Vimal, 2006).

2. Q: What is (are) the source(s) of study funding, if any?

A: The study does not mention any source of funding (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, %26amp; Vimal, 2006).

3. Q: What is the overall purpose of this study?

A: The overall purpose of this study is to study the effects of two different F concentrations in drinking water on neurotransmitter enzymes, antioxidant enzymes, and lipid peroxidation in mice (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, %26amp; Vimal, 2006).

4. Q: What is the research strategy used (i.e., Experiment, Survey, Field Research, and/or Secondary Data Analysis)?

A: The research strategy used is “experimental”, yet it is really a pre-experimental design since it has a risk of confounding due to no randomization designed. If randomization were used then there would be a genuine experimental design and control for confounding (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, %26amp; Vimal, 2006).

5. Q: What type of study is conducted? (e.g., Exploratory, Explanatory, Descriptive)

A: The type of study that is being conducted is a combination of exploratory and explanatory (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal, 2006).

6. Q: What is the unit being studied?

A: The unit being studies is one-month old female Swiss albino mice (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, %26amp; Vimal, 2006).

7. Q: What are the independent and dependent variables? Are manipulation checks used for the independent variable? How are the independent variable and dependent variables operationalized?

A: The independent variables are body parts, which consist of the brain, liver, and calf, and the second independent variable is group assignment. The dependent variable is AchE (DOD), BchE (DOD), SOD (% inhibition of NBT reduction), CAT (mmoles H2O2 utilized/min/mg of protein), MDA (nmoles/mL), Ascorbic acid (mg/100mL), and Total protein (mg/mL) (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, %26amp; Vimal, 2006). Manipulation checks are used for the independent variables. The independent variable was operationalized by. The dependent variables was operationalized by having biochemical estimated by using standard methods to conduct for AchE (E.C. (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal, 2006).

8. Q: State the null hypotheses (cf., tables1-3).

A: Fluoride level in drinking water has no impact on antioxidants levels, neurotransmitters, total protein level, and vitamin level in the brain, liver, and/ or calf muscle (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, %26amp; Vimal, 2006).

9. What types of sample are employed in the study? Briefly, describe the samples and sample design. Are the samples strong on external validity?

A: The types of sample that are employed in the study are. The sample design is not known in the study. .The samples are strong are not strong on external validity.

10. Q: What is the study population?

A: The study population is ambiguous and not clearly stated (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal, 2006).

11. Q: How are data collected?

A: Using a standardized procedure lab specimen techniques were used to collect data (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal, 2006). The mice were divided into three groups: control (n=10), experimental group E1 (n= 15), E2 (n= 15). Each mouse was caged separately. Control group mice were given deionized, defluoridated water (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal, 2006). Mice in the E1 group were given 60 ppm F (from 132.6 mg NaF/L) in their drinking water while those in the E2 group were given 120 ppm F (from 265.2) mgNaF/L) in their drinking water (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal, 2006). After 30 days all the mice were weighed and sacrificed by cervical decapitation (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal, 2006). The brain, liver, and gastrocnemius muscles were dissected out and place on chilled glass plates, dried, and weighed (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal, 2006). Brains were cut into two sagital pieces with the help of surgical blade, and the hippocampus was dissected out under a stereomicroscope (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, Meena, Barbar, Chouhan, and Vimal, 2006). Tissues of at least three animals were pooled to prepare enough sample for biochemical estimation (Bhatnagar, Rao, Saxena, Bhatnagar, MeeWhat would your grade be for this paper for a social science research paper that i am just summarizing and an?If you just summarize don't expect to get an A or B.

More like a C- or D+