Sunday, October 16, 2011

English teachers/writers?

I need to write a %26quot;college application essay%26quot; for a high school course. It's teaching us how to do one. We got to choose from about 50 prompts and I chose this one:

%26quot;Consider the books you have read in the last year or two either for school or for leisure. Please discuss the way in which one of them changed your understanding of the world, other people, or yourself.%26quot;

I'm writing about 1984 and how it changed my understanding of the world. I also need it to be persuasive and talk about myself somewhat but I'm not sure how to intertwine the two.

Here is all I have so far. Feel free to change anything/ fix spelling or grammer..PLEASE!

As part of my 11th grade English curriculum, I was assigned to read the novel 1984 by George Orwell. Immediately, I assumed the worst of this book; the title seemed dull, the topic seemed dull, and even my teacher鈥檚 explanation of the story was irksome. I must admit, I was entirely wrong. While the 1990鈥檚 were not exactly worry-free, as a child it was seemingly more tranquil than the world today. I become obsessed with understanding the comparisons between the twentieth century and the ignorance of my childhood. How was it that one man wrote a book so descriptive a world he would not live to see, yet I cannot grasp 18 years ago? This one book conveyed in 300 pages how truly contaminated the world around us is, and by doing so, made me question my own safety and freedom. After reading this book, I feel it is important to do my part in changing this course history has taken to better our future.English teachers/writers?Writing essays on criticism is not an easy task as those who are writing criticism essays have to develop a critical mind that should respond critically. In writing criticism essays, the writer should keep in mind that a criticism is not a negative judgement of writing. The writer of criticism essays should be neutral to the writing and should be able to analyze the writing in terms of its negativities as well as positivity. In terms of effective writing, the critical writing done by standard writers should be read thoroughly to analyze the way of their writing. If you analyze Alexander Pope essay on criticism, you will get a good idea of how to write a literary criticism essay.

For writing an essay on criticism analysis, essay on criticism summary or essay on criticism sparknotes, all you have to do is to follow the steps as under:

1. After reading the material on which you are going to write an essay on criticism, set down your ideas in a logical form. Note down on a sheet of paper how one idea will follow the other or how they are interconnected with each other.

2. After noting down the ideas, make an outline. This means that headings are to made and noted in the proposed logical order.

3. After setting the headings, fill the outline. Under each heading, the points to be dealt with are to be noted, so that the ideas are arranged in a format in terms of sketch of an essay about criticism.

4. Your essay on criticism should has the beginnings and ends. The drafting that is done in form of outline should be given an introduction and a conclusion that you think suitable at this point.

5. After making an outline, you should keep in mind that you have to convert each heading that you have set in your outline of essay on criticism into a full-fledged paragraph.

6. Begin with an introduction which should be concise and should be able to introduce the topic of the essay about criticism. After reading the introduction of the essay about criticism, the reader should know what the essay on criticism is about.

7. After writing an informative introduction, proceed towards the body of the essay on criticism. The body of essay on criticism usually consists of a number of paragraphs, each beginning with the topic fixed for it in the outline and expounding the topic of essays about criticism according to the details noted under the particular heading in the outline.

8. The style should be natural and lucid. In developing the paragraph, the writer should pay attention to the words, phrases and sentences he/she is employing for writing essay on criticism.

9. The last paragraph of the essay about criticism should be a sum up of the essay and should draw an inference.

Here鈥檚 a list of the most popular criticism essay topics:

1. Biblical Criticism

2. Feminist Criticism

3. Social Criticism in A Doll鈥檚 House

4. Language, World in Western Literary Criticism

5. Social Criticism in World Literature

6. Social criticism in Oliver Twist

7. The Great Gatsby and the Criticism of the American dream.

8. Art Criticism and History

9. Critism of O. Henry

10. Frankenstein Criticism

11. Ragtime Criticism

12. My Antonia: Feminist Criticism and the American Dream

13. Every Author Needs Criticism

14. 1984 Literary Criticism
English teachers/writers?
I'm sorry I don't have time to go into more detail, but here are a few quick suggestions:

--Go for a stronger hook (first sentence). It should grab the reader's attention with a dramatic statement or question. A quote from the book that connects to the main idea of your essay would work well.

--Limit the %26quot;I%26quot; statements. Though the topic is the book in relation to yourself, over-using %26quot;I%26quot; (or %26quot;me%26quot;, etc.) tends to sound repetitive. At the very least, limit the use of %26quot;I%26quot; as the opening to your sentences. It can be challenging to do this; you have to be creative, but it pays off by giving your writing a more mature sound.

--Pay attention to your verb tenses. With rare exceptions (such as when quoting), you need to stick to one tense (usually past tense in an essay like this) consistently.

Overall, I think you have a good, strong opening. Just be sure to give specific examples, with quotations when possible, from the book, and not to go off on tangents. Those two things are truly a major difference between writing that is more childish and that which is more adult.

Good luck!