Sunday, October 16, 2011

What do u think of this. Please help!?

I am 12 and working on a novel.


As I walked up Jessica Martins street that night in 1918 I remember the rain slowly picking up its pace hitting my new

%26quot; Vicky lanes%26quot; rain jacket. I had got it the day before for my 15th birthday.

As I rounded the corner I saw Jessica come running out her front door

in nothing but shorts and shirt . She stopped in front of me her cream blonde hair

drenched with rain and her unbelievably pale snow skin beaming with

light as she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside her two stories house and plopped

me down next to , Grace Letterson and Abigail Fondenbuger. Jessica was my best friend.

The best of a friend in the world at that time. Though she was different and wasn’t like the rest of us,

she was unthinkably kind. We met in kindergarten when we both had to go to the little girls room by the third grade hall. We held hands because we were scared because of all the bigger kids. We had daycare together with Ms.Johnet also. My skin a light tan and hair a dark leather black. We looked nothing alike.

My eyes blue from my mother, Jessica’s eyes Golden blue and green and some times black...

She was always cold but I never paid much attention....Jessica was the kind of person who would be all for playing some hopscotch one day then be begging for a nickel and pennies to buy a new hair band from Uncle Eddies hair shop...I am Bella McBride. She was Jessica Martin. And we were best friends. Welcome to 1918, new England.

The Cullen’s

“ Ok, ladies, how much did you earn this week?” Jessica asked in her best grown up voice. Abigail laughed. “ All together we made two dollars and five cents” Grace said dumping the money in the glass bird jar on the table in front of us. We had a club were we made clothes for people. One item was fifteen cents. “ Oh , that is good, that’s twenty more cents then last week, Ms.Jinkers must have been out of town. Her and her children need new shirts almost every week” I said taking my gloves off. Abigail looked at Jessica’s wet clothes and frowned. “ You really should change your clothes Jess” Abigail said combing her fingers threw her light strawberry blonde hair. “ Hey darling girls” Ms. Martin said kissing us all on the cheeks before taking a good look at Jessica. “ My, my, Darling go change your clothes you don’t want get the new carpet wet and its very rude to be soaked with water when you have guests” Ms. Martin laughed pushing Jessica up the stairs. “ Yes mother” Jessica sighed and smiled as she hopped up the stairs. We laughed and I shook out my black hair and pushed it behind me ears. The thing with Ms. Martin is, she is the most motherly woman in the town. I live just with my father and he is at work all the time so Monday threw Thursday I stay with Jessica and her mother and four siblings. All us girls go to a private school. It isn’t to bad, the uniforms are manageable but not very suitable, of coarse they are suitable for girls of our age. They just are not very, cute or pretty so to speak. They are plain blue shirts and yellow skirts with black, yellow and blue striped stockings that go up to our thighs.

“ Mother, I am done!” Jessica yelled as she skipped down the stairs in a white dress with blue buttons that stopped at her knees. Her hair down , dry , with a yellow bonnet on top of her perfect hair. “ Ok , please do not be loud Jess dear” Ms. Martin said in her small yet bell like voice as she walked out of the kitchen with a plate of cookies and tea.

“ Sorry mother, I just am excited to tell the girls something” Jessica apologized nodding slightly when her mother offered her a cookie.

“ Thank you Ms. Martin” I said smiling and taking a bite of my cookie. “ Did you hear girls, there is a new family in town?” Jessica asked sipping her tea like a princess, as her mother was very strict with manners.

“ Oh, no I did not, surely, who are they?”

Grace asked her face slightly curious. “ Well, I heard they moved here yesterday, they are the Cullen’s, the cutest one is Edward Cullen”

Jessica said flushing delicate pink. Abigail and me giggled slightly. “ Well, Jessica , you must be very observant” I said raising my tea cup and laughing at her. Jessica is the one that never misses one thing. “ Well it is the simple truth, no reason not to admit what is obviously a fact” She said defending herself. I rolled my eyes, “ Sure, it is simply a fact” Grace said smiling teasingly at her.

“ Well, girls, the Cullen’s are very beautiful in look’s, I will admit that, but the most important thing is Dr.Cullen its about time we got a good surgeon in this town” Ms. Martin said pouring more tea into my cup as I nodded politely. “ Oh, well, that is good, how many of them are there?” Abigail asked Ms. Martin grabbing another cookie.

I set my cup down and looked at her curiosity. “ Well, there are, seven” Ms. Martin said looking down as she grabbed her first cookie. “ Two daughters, three sons, Dr.Cullen and his Wife Esmee”What do u think of this. Please help!?well, 5mins back, it was ur sibling who was working on a novel wid d same caharacters...

anyways, my feedback is the same, change some of the sentences into indirect speech....