Friday, October 7, 2011

What would you do in this situation? please explain.?

You and your best friend have been buddies since 2nd grade. You two do everything together. Sleepovers, go to the mall, dinner, games, you even go on vacation with their family. other kids are even a little envious because they cannot penetrate the close friendship you two have.

One friday evening you were getting dressed to go out because it was your friends birthday. Your friends out of town relatives will be going as well as your parents. It is a big bash at the Marriott. at the last minute your friend decides to ride with you. On the way to your house your friend is talking to you on the phone,not paying attention and steps off the curb right in front of a car.

your best friend doesn't die. They will spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair.does this situation change your friendship? If yes, how and why explain in detail.What would you do in this situation? please explain.?It is a sad story, It will change the relationship but not suppose to change the friendship. It will change the relationship in the way that your friend will not be able to participate in most of the acivity with you due to physical limitations. It is not suppose to change the friendship because true friendship is a bond that ties in the heart. Even if she is mentally handicap.
What would you do in this situation? please explain.?
Who can even imagine .
What would you do in this situation? please explain.?
wow. that's tragic.

but why would the recent fact that they're in a wheelchair change anything? they're still the same person, right? look at this in a positive way. at least they didn't die, right? you still have the same person you did since 2nd grade as your best friend.

the best you can do for them right now is just be there for them. help them though their rough time. weather the storm with them, ya know?

hope that helped!
If anything, it would make your friendship stronger.