Sunday, October 16, 2011

I have to write a 4-5 paper about this book rasing a secure child. can any body help me out and read my paper?

The author of Raising a secure child is Zeynep Biringen (2004). Biringen Background is that she is an “associate professor at Colorado state university and a licensed child psychologist.” She wrote the book to inspire the way parents relate to children. It is dedicated to “all the children and families who have participated over the years.” People who read this book will figure out the “strengths and weaknesses in their current parent child relationship and develop new ways of creating stronger, more nourishing emotional bonds with children of any age.”

Biringen explains how children show attachment through “a cluster of behaviors that brings physical closeness to adult caregiver, such as reaching, clinging, sucking.” In children attachment starts very young. I have seen that I have five nephews and two nieces. My two nephews Wyatt and Camden were more attach to my sister-in-law. When Camden was born he was clinging to my sister-in-law. Every time I would watch him we would have to put him in another room with some toys and she would have to sneak out. He is now six years old and he is getting much better, but once in a while he will ask where his mommy is and we would always say she will be home soon. When Wyatt was born he was the same way as Camden and still is. Wyatt is one years old and every time someone watches him he cries. He is so clinging to his mommy. He will probably grow out of it like his brother.

In the book the author talks about childhood attachment through divorce and loss of parent. At any age your parents can divorce or lose a parent. It is a hard feeling to face. A lot of children are attaching to the caretaker and it is hard for them to go through a divorce or loss of a parent. A lot of time when a parent divorce when child is older the child express more anger as suppose when they are younger. A lot of people are different to.

Two examples of how attachment goes through divorce and loss of parent. First example is while I was in eighth grade my parents went through a divorce. I was more attaching to my father than my mother. I would get angry at everybody for no reasons. I was upset, stress out, and I blame it on myself. When I was around my parents I felt like it was my fault and I was afraid to talk about how I felt to anyone. Basically I shut down emotionally, trying to block the anger. All the stress and hurt took a toll on my schooling as well. All that was happening made it hard to focus on my school work.

Second example is about a loss parent. Losing a parent at any age is the worst feeling. Through all the pain, grief, and confusion it can change your life around. I have seen that happen. One of my best friends in high school lost her dad at the age of 16. She was upset, shock, and fearful. It was hard for because her dad died suddenly. It took her awhile to get back on track. To lose someone that close to you and always there for you just don’t get over it in a day. You will never forget that someone close to you.

Biringen talks about Authoritative and Authoritarian and Permissive parenting in school performance. Also in class we talked about Authoritative and Authoritarian and Permissive parenting in discipline. Authoritative is high in warmth and high in confident. Authoritative children do very well in school, very strict, infancy, and self regulate. Also, is distraction, tired, furious and don’t follow behavior modeling and have good relationship. Authoritarian children also do well in school, but are low in warmth and high in control, less confident, low socially. They keep there distance and expect questions. Another one that we talk about in class was permissive. Permissive parents show little warmth, and little on discipline.

She talks about discipline in children. Most people who discipline their children are the way their parents discipline them when they were young. Every child is different even if a child is taught discipline early and develops a sense of right and wrong. A child taught discipline can still be an unruly and out of control. The type of discipline used on the child can help determine how the child will act. Say a child is disciplined in a more abusive manner they may turn out to cause more trouble and start more fights thinking that is how you deal with someone when you don’t like how they act. It can also work the other way. A child raised and disciplined understanding and removal of privileges rather the physical punishment can learn to deal with their problems in the same manner. They can learn to talk out their problems with others rather then resorting to physical or violent methods.

In conclusion most of all, it is about giving each other the gifts of love, trust, and happiness for you and your child. No matter what age you are you can become closer to your child by supporting them through difficult time.I have to write a 4-5 paper about this book rasing a secure child. can any body help me out and read my paper?Correct your grammar.

Correct your spelling.

Do not think that this is a four or five page paper.

You are off to a good start.

Now get to work and write an A plus paper.

As a former teacher, I would give you a C plus as is. A D for grammar and punctuation.

In other words, C minus.
I have to write a 4-5 paper about this book rasing a secure child. can any body help me out and read my paper?
explain more about the different types of parenting distinctly explain each, let it be known which one is which. I am a new mother, explain to me more about how i can be a great mother. extremely intriguing paper though