Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Research On Sleep Deprivation?

I'm doing a research on Sleep Deprivation, and I'd like some personal answers/own experiences to the following questions(I have my own answers, but i'd like to compare them to others if you have the time) :

1. How has sleep deprivation affected your life?

2. If you're in school, do you feel your grades could improve? Why or why not?

3. Has lack of sleep ever affected your performance in an acitivity?

4. What do you do that contribute most to your sleep deprivation? What can you change to fir 9-8hours into your schedule?

5. What are some time managment strategies you could use?

You don't have to answer all of them, (I know I wouldn't even want to.) Just 1 or maybe even 2 would be a big help. Put the number in front though.


1. Sleep Deprivation affected my life by,...

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. :) %26lt;3A Research On Sleep Deprivation?I was a Neurology Dept Secy for a long time when I was younger--they studied sleep and sleep deprivation a lot at the University of Missouri-Columbia Campus.

(l.) If you have lack of sleep, you will get it somehow. Maybe your brain will shut off while driving and you'll go through a red light (a man did this to my sister--she was the second car that should have been able to go through a green light). Maybe you'll be in school and miss half he lecture because you can't hold focus.

(2.) See above

(3.) See (1.) above. Also, if you're tired, do you do as well in gym class, respond as quickly, realize what is happening around you as quickly? Answer, no.

(4.) I stay up at night as if I'm going to miss something important. I don't like getting up in the morning--could care less what's going on. However, at night I have energy. It's the opposite for my husband. He likes getting up very early and starting the day. He lets me sleep since I'm grouchy if he drags me out of sleep and I don't have to get up yet (such as for work).

(5.) I wish I had trained since I was younger to have the fortitude to just say: %26quot;It's time for bed. I'm going to bed now.%26quot;