Sunday, October 16, 2011

This makes me so mad!?

For the second year in a row I have a horrible English teacher. I am not saying he is mean, he just sucks at teaching! He is scatter brained, misses the big picture, and spends all of his time on meaningless details. Then I am not sure what is up with English teachers and the bible. We went from archetypes to practically bible school. I understand some archetypes come from the bible but their are plenty of other secular examples as well. I am not religious, I am even currently reading the bible (just to see what its all about) but I am adamant in that church and state should be separate.

But I am rather good at English, but he butchers great works. I read The Scarlet Letter in 6th grade and I really enjoyed it. I now can not stand it! But he will spend an hour on what a competent teacher could get through in 20 minutes!

I tried to switch teachers- but no. Believing your teacher is a dumb-*** and will not be able to teach let alone get you through the AP test isn't an acceptable reason to change your schedule. My only option is to drop the class but that would mean I wouldn't be able to graduate. But now I have a horrid teacher for the rest of the year. I mean I could teach the class better than him!

how do you deal with teachers where you arn't going to learn anything?This makes me so mad!?Actually the Bible is the #1 reference in all of literature, regardless of whether you're religious or not.

You can petition the School Board/Superintendent of Schools, if you've already talked to the English Chair and the Principal. Unfortunately, this teacher probably has been around for a while and has tenure (thanks, teachers unions) so he'll be pretty much impossible to fire. If you get nowhere there talk to the head of the Dept of Education in your State. If multiple students feel this same way, make sure you take them with you either in petition form or in person, along with your parents.

In the meantime, keep your mind open that you might learn something. Read ahead. Research commentary material on your own - the internet is great for this. Believe it or not, most of the AP exam is being able to express a coherent thought and write an essay. No one is stopping you from learning how to write. Just say what you're going to say in your thesis, give your basic 3 points supported with quotes from the work, and at the end recap what you said. It's very basic.

Good luck.
This makes me so mad!?
Our teacher don't have degrees and we don't have enough money for a Chem lab. My stupid mother thinks it's better to pay 3k a year to go here no matter how much everyone tells her otherwise, I don't want to hear it.

This makes me so mad!?
Is this a High School class??? If not than I'm pretty sure you can still drop the course and take something else.

If it is HS than I suggested you just bite the bullet and get through the whatever you need to get an A and this time next year you won't even think about him'll have plenty of other teachers who will stimulate you later.

I'm a teacher and can't even get a job :(
WIthout judging whether this teacher is competent or not, I can offer a suggestion. If you are really unhappy with this class, take an English course at a local college. My daughter once had a teacher who most parents felt was incompetent. Like you, my daughter was a high achiever. She wanted to get the most out of her classes and really learn something. She was able to substitute a college course for a high school requirement. And she didn't have to take the AP test to get college credit. If this might be workable for you, talk to your guidance counselor about whether it would be workable for the school.