Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Can i have your opinion?

lets say you had a friend since 7th grade and you 2 had 1 or 2 little fights that didn't brake up the friendship. then high school showed up(freshman year [9th grade]) towards the end of the school year (2nd semester) you had 2nd lunch instead of 1st lunch because of your schedule change.

so now you and your friend had the same lunch, so you start eating lunch with her and her new friends. (your kind of on the shy side so you don't make new friends right away) everyday you each lunch with them and then you kind of see your friend change for the worse. then in early june, she texted you saying you can't eat lunch her and her new friends she made that year. she didn't say why.

when you e-mailed her she didn't answer, she never returns anything. she even didn't say why when you have a friend to help out.

what would you do to this situation?

if you seek revenge, how would you get revenge?Can i have your opinion?I wouldn't seek revenge. She is just being caught up, I would forget about her because if she did that to you she is NOT a real friend. And if she did that you shouldn't even worry about her, no matter how hard it will be, people will do some mean stuff, but your true frirends will stay with you till the end.
Can i have your opinion?
Seek revenge? Don't be immature.

You've let us to assume a lot with the words %26quot;and then you kind of see your friend change for the worse.%26quot;

Once you saw your friend changing, why didn't you ask what the problem is? Why did you let it get this bad?

I would talk to her in person and try to understand what happened because none of what you said makes sense.
Can i have your opinion?
make new friends

u will feel much better with some one u feel comfortable around

i did and now i see where id be sitting if i were still wid my ex bff

im glad im at my own lunch table wherei feel like i can be me
the same thing kinda happened to me to my freshman year only my friend didn't turn for the worse so to say. she became a cheerleader. she didn't really talk to me after that. we usually didn't fight so i didn't understand what was going on with her. what i did was tried to talk to her and if she walked away i let her. i understand that it is hard losing a friend when you have been friends for a long time but they aren't really good friends if they change on you after your lunch schedule changed. i know this wasn't exactly what you wanted to hear but i hope it helps. you can make new friends too just like she did.
I'd just try to find her in the hallway or something to ask in person. Then she'd have to respond. But I wouldn't seek revenge. Revenge could be used better than on something like that.
This is classic high school.

Everyone changes when they get to high school. Some for the better, and some for the worse... your friend being a prime example.

Don't be hostile, then she has a reason to be your enemy. Just send her a text saying that it's okay, and if she ever needs you, you'll be there for her. Strengthen your relationships with your other friends and show her you can be happy with or without her.
wow what a bit*ch! honestly i would try to make alot more friends than her and try to enjoy highschool without her as*! she then will realize that you never needed her( cause you dont) and then that will make her feel like crap since she saw how easily you were doing without her. what come around goes around trust me her time will come(=
sometimes u just gotta let her go. if shes changin 4 the worst dont change as well. stay true 2 urself
revenge? dnt get to mad about it

if she was rly ur friend from the beginning

she wouldnt have turned on you....
:/ I'm sorry hun, but I understand completely what you're going through.

The same thing happened to me in 8th grade.

I was best friends with this girl since Kindergarten, we even lived in the same neighborhood and everything. We never fought really, and we always talked about everything.

Then, one day in 8th grade, I was out of school sick for a couple of days. When I came back, I was like %26quot;Hey ____! I haven't seen you in a really-%26quot; but she just ignored me and just walked away. I was really confused, it was so sudden with nothing leading up to it, and to this day (I'm going into 12th grade now) I still don't even know whatever happened. I tried talking to her, but she would just act like I wasn't there. She talked to me once after, but only after her new %26quot;best friend%26quot; started talking with me first and all she said was %26quot;bye%26quot; as they left. That showed me that all she was, was a follower to begin with.

Eventually, I realized that I was better off without her as a friend. In high school she became a cheerleader and joined up with the %26quot;I'm better than everyone%26quot; clique, which was so different from the type of person I was. She turned into a real brat. I mean, of course, sometimes I still miss the old her. You just don't forget someone who was your best friend for that many years, but I realize that I don't want to be the type of person she is today and I don't to hang out with the type of people she does.. anyway, back to answering your question. Sorry, I just sort of came a a self-realization there.

I'd suggest trying to maybe talk with her face to face. If she won't listen or agree to discuss what the problem is, it's best just to let her go. You're right, she's changing, and that happens to quickly in highschool that it's hard to see it coming. It probably hurts a little bit, but in the long run you'll be better off without her, and you deserve a better friend than that. Don't seek revenge, just let it go. Show her that it's her loss.
Don't seek revenge.

I say just forget her. If she doesn't want to be your friend, go through high school without her. Someone like that you don't need to be around. For starters, she wasn't a true friend. Like My parents tell me, in high school you find out who your true are and aren't. So leave her be.