Friday, October 7, 2011

My daughter rushes through her tests at school?

My 3rd grader rushes through each test at school resulting in low grades and lots of mistakes. She's smart and when she stops and thinks she knows the answers. What is a good way to explain to her to slow down? We tell her to go back and check her work but she still rushes. Have you had any experience with this and how did you help your child change their habit?My daughter rushes through her tests at school?A big reason a child will rush through a test is because they see other students finishing and feel that they should finish at the same time as their peers. She most likely views it as a contest the person who finishes the fastest wins. You just have to switch her viewpoint away from doing it fast to getting it right. Once you explain that doing something fast the wrong was is worse then doing it the right way at a slower pace. Kind of like the tortoise and the hare.
My daughter rushes through her tests at school?
find reasons why she is rushing in the first place, that will tell you what to do next.

1. Does she believe this is what one does in tests, finish as soon as possible?

2. Does she Fear or have great discomfort of tests?

3. Does she have personal incentives for finishing quickly?

4. Is she highly competitive?

those are the common four reason for this. there could be others, but in any case, once discovered, help to calm her anxiety to finish quickly and you'll see her scores drastically improve.

Good luck.
My daughter rushes through her tests at school?
I agree with Auzel. I hate when I still have my paper and half the class hands their work in!

I find myself rushing through tests because sometimes, I want to write down all the answers because I think that if I wait a long time, I'll forget everything I studied. Plus, I always have this sense of accomplishment after doing a test, so for me, once i finish it, its like I can breathe easier. maybe she feels stressed or worried, so she'd rather have it done and over with.