Friday, October 7, 2011

How do you study, get good grades, and not lose your mind?

I figure you college students know a little more about studying and not losing your mind. :D

9th grade I earned A's and B's (mostly A's) resulting in a strong cumulative GPA of 3.75. 10th grade I was going through too many changes and crap, so I got three C's, a couple of D's and one E, lowering my cumulative GPA from a 3.75 to a weak 3.31. I'm broken over the situation and I realized that there is NO room for mistakes 11th grade. I was thinking, reflecting and realized that I made good grades in 9th grade, but I didn't study AT ALL! I just did my work and sucked up to teachers (I know it isn't good, but...) I know what killed my GPA 10th grade was not turning in assignments and poor tests/quizzes. So, I want to bring my cumulative GPA up to a 3.6 by the time I graduate from High School. But I don't really know how to study, never did actually. How do I study HARD and not lose my mind, meaning a SOCIAL LIFE? I'm going to be taking Chemistry, Algebra 2, Technology, Art, AP English, and AP World History. How do I study all that!?

Long description, I know, but I need advice (and hope)!How do you study, get good grades, and not lose your mind?I agree with Spector. Your JOB is to do well in school. You need to change your priorities.

Get a daytimer. Each day, write your homework down so you don't need to struggle to remember at the end of the day. If you have a test coming up, write that in too so you'll remember to study for it.

When you get home from school, start your homework right away as soon as you get home. Don't wait to 6 or 7pm to start. On the weekends, start your homework as early as possible on Friday. Take Friday night for yourself. If you don't finish your homework Friday, start it again Saturday morning. Don't leave it until Sunday. You don't want to run out of time.

When you start your homework, start with your hardest subject and/or longest assignment. That way, you'll have your easiest assignments to complete when you're the most tired. Pretty soon, you'll figure out how long it will take for each subject, and you'll be better able to manage your time.

Make sure you do the assigned reading. Take notes when you read. Write down anything obviously important, anything in bold/italics or in call out boxes. Studying for the tests will then be easier. But, make sure you listen to the lecture AND do the reading. You may need to do the reading two or three times. Make sure you understand the concepts. Memories are stored by concepts.

You should also study in a quiet place. Don't study with the TV or radio on. Some people like it, but it will interfere with learning more than helping at this point. You might be able to add it later, but since you're just learning to study, minimize things that will distract you. For now, sit at a desk or table; don't lie on your bed or on the floor.

Once you're done with your homework, you'll have plenty of time to play. In fact, colleges like to see extracurricular activities on your apps.
How do you study, get good grades, and not lose your mind?
Not sure sorry but it aint easy
How do you study, get good grades, and not lose your mind?
whatttt? i study, get good grades, and my mind's still here.

study early. at night? DON'T STAY UP TO LIKE 4 AM STUDYING. you need sleep. i go out sometimes after school, hang out. or on weekends. but not that long. i always still have time to do my homework. you need to actually put effort into it. its not like -reads chapter, done studying.- make study notes. AND STUDY GROUPS! fun, fun. two birds with one stone: studying %26amp; hanging out.
Sounds like you want to keep your same ranking of priorities when the only way to better your grades is to mix it up. You need realize that school is your job. You first do your job and IF there is time leftover you can then socialize. Time management is the best way. Look at what your school load will be. Work/study ahead so if you do need a break you don't fall behind. Stay up to date or beyond with all of your classes. Falling behind is the mother of all **** ups concerning education.
Just pay attention in class and stay focused. You will do good.
I never studied a day of high school and did fine, but I've studied quite a bit in college so far. Unless you're trying to get into a fancy (waste of money) school for your undergrad studies, a 3.0 is fine. But if you do insist on attempting raise your GPA that much, I'd suggest the obvious- make a schedule for studying time and friend time. If I'm nearing finals and have an immense amount of studying to do I usually just make a daily schedule of how much studying for each subject I'd like to complete.
I know what you're going through. I used to think it was impossible to study and have a life outside of the classroom. But you have to learn to find a balance between those two. Study when you believe you really NEED to, but if you know the subject well, skim through it and don't study as much. On weekends, you can still go out and have fun, but don't spend the whole day doing that. Or give yourself one day of fun, and one day of studying and homework. Just think of it as a work and reward system. It's not as hard as it sounds. Just try it and see how it goes.
Maybe you could try a schedule or get studying for about 30 minutes - 45 minutes a day and try to get any extra time. You could gather a study group with your friends so you don't lose your social life to studying.and eat bananas they bring up brain power.

hope it helps!
you need to manage your time better, which means you need to define time for friends and time for schoolwork, as well as work on assignments and study gradually, rather than cramming it all in the night before. I always figured that friday nights and saturday day/nights were reasonable for social activities, and during the school week and sundays were for work.

Don't be afraid to ask your teachers for help with studying. I found that not only are they helpful (hey, they're the ones giving the tests..), but they like to see that you're working hard and trying, which is kinda like sucking up to them in a way. But at least you get something out of it too.

If you are determined to get into a good college and have a good GPA, remember that sometimes you'll have to choose between social and academics, and keep in mind that there will be much more time for socializing in college.