Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Scene kids: how do you change groups? who to pick as your friends when you turn scene?

alright heres the deal; i want to become scene, everyone says i fit the part, and as far as im concerned, i basically am scene (i just need to get the makeup down.) but all of my friends except for one are NOT scene. and im going into 7th grade. and everyone knows that scene kids usually only hang out with their own group. and there arent a lo of scene girls and boys that go to my school. so i wanted to know who should i choose to be my friends (the emos/skaters or whatever) and how should i exactly change... %26quot;cliques.%26quot; ughh that word is ****** annoying. so i wanna know how other scene kids changed groups or whatever :DScene kids: how do you change groups? who to pick as your friends when you turn scene?no matter what clique your in it shouldn't matter what clique your friends are in people should like you for you not for they way you dress or who your friends with. No one likes scene kids anyways there all fakes that just try to be cool and fit in be yourself and thats how you get true friends.
Scene kids: how do you change groups? who to pick as your friends when you turn scene?
you are in 7th i didn't know all that crap existed yet

i am pretty sure if your friends are your friends you should still be friends with them. why dump your old friends if you just change your style?
Scene kids: how do you change groups? who to pick as your friends when you turn scene?
Wait until high school.
Why would you want to be %26quot;scene%26quot; at all? Just be yourself, it sounds lame but you would be more lame to change you friends just because they aren't %26quot;scene%26quot;.

Dress how you want do your makeup how you want just don't try to conform to some group of people who think they are better then everyone else because their hair is big and their pants are tight.
this is the stupidest question ive ever seen

enough said
Okay, so you think the word cliques is annoying, but you don't think scene is annoying? You're obviously trying to be someone your not like the other 60% of our population. Be yourself. You shouldn't diss your real friends just because of your style, and who people say 'scene kids' should hang out with. If you like stuff that supposedly 'scene kids' like then fine, but don't call yourself scene and don't change your friends, hair, fashion, style, opinion, etc. just because that's what 'a true scene' is supposed to do.

UGH. Labels.