Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to Get a Professor to Change Your Grade?

I got a C for biology and I don't understand how I got that.

I got a 82 on the first test, which worth 15 percent (.15 * 82=12.5)

72 on the second worth 20 (72 * 20=14.4)

77 on the third worth 25 (77 *25= 19.25)

The averages quizzes is worth 10 percent and go 73 as the total average (73*10=7.3)

For lab I got 83 average which is worth 30 percent (83*30=24.9)

On top of that I got 9 extra credits on my final grade...

adding all that up


So I don't understand why I got a C?

Should I send her an email and ask her?How to Get a Professor to Change Your Grade?go ahead and ask her. because i had a C also. i averaged out with A on labs, and 3 high C's and 3 high B's and i had a C+ :(
How to Get a Professor to Change Your Grade?
Write this up, make an appointment, and discuss your findings with her.

Did you actually contribute to class? Did you engage in fruitful discussions? Be prepared to discuss intangible assets - if any....but don't bs her.

Be professional about it.
How to Get a Professor to Change Your Grade?
professors do sometimes put in the wrong grade. They get off a line or whatever. I would email you prof with the information you have here and ask am I missing something. You also could have bombed the final.
Just make sure to ask politely and respectfully. If you come off as whining or complaining you'll never get her attention.
Are you sure you received 9% for extra credit? That's an incredibly high boost, and you may have only received 9 points on a specific assignment (like a test or homework).