I teach high school. One of my students was downright scary last year. He had an awful temper, to the point that I warned the teachers around me to check in on my room if they heard me yelling because I expected him to beat someone half to death and I wouldn't be able to stop him. But since then, he's done a complete turnaround. His grades have improved, his attitude has improved, he actually has a plan for his life (wants to join the air force) and while he still gets angry easily, he controls it very well. But recently, his girlfriend cheated on him. I overheard him in class today, telling another student how he was going to %26quot;get%26quot; the other guy. This kid has had a terrible time at home (his parents kick him out of the house about every other week, and smoke pot in front of him and his siblings) and has come a long way. I really think he has the chance to change his life, and is four months from getting away from all of this and starting a new life. I'm concerned that he will hurt this guy and get himself arrested, which will ruin his plans completely. I know it's none of my business, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't at least make an attempt to stop this. If you were an angry 18 year old, what could someone say that would make you change your mind? I remember when I was in high school I assumed that everything adults said was garbage, so I want to be very careful about how I go about this. HELP!!!What to say to an angry teenager?Tell him you have seen a great change in his life and you are so glad he has a plan mapped out. Tell him he has reason to be angry and hurt over this girl friend situation, but to loose control and take revenge out on the guy could derail his plans for the Air Force. Tell him you care about him and his future, and he doesn't need a girl friend who cheats -- he will eventurally find one who really deserves him.
If he knows you really care, he will listen.
God Bless.What to say to an angry teenager?Don't do anything because you might end up hurting yourself.What to say to an angry teenager?If you know his parents are like that..then what are you waiting for?..why are you asking us?..call the authorities and report it.Man, I have enough trouble getting ten year old boys with anger issues to come around. If you need to say something to him, maybe just tell him how proud you are of him for turning his life around and you want him to know that he can come talk to you if he's feeling like he might make a bad decision regarding recent events.I would accept help from others (esp. adults) if they seem genuine. You should try bonding with him and offer to help him with hw or projects. Tell him that you care about his future and would like to be of any further assistance to his problems. It won't be easy at first but if you seem like those great, truly caring teachers in movies, he'll atleast have his ears open for anything you need to say.Wow, you must really like this kid...
I'm so glad that a teacher actually cares about her students...
This is really nice to read!
Well, I mean, I'm 15 but I listen to adults, but now it's like I've done it so much, I've pretty much making my own decisions even though they are still trying to tell me what to do, lol...
But the problem stems from his parents...I mean it has to.
I know you would feel bad if he gets arrested, but some kids are just doomed, I mean that's how things work in this world...
Kids go to high school, they're parents are stupid, that makes the kids stupid, and they fall behind and get in trouble...
He's angry because he doesn't understand the world.
I can tell you I haven't had the best parents, but I was just born smart I guess...I'm defiantly lucky for it...because my life is going good so far.
Some kids are born with out a chance, there is little to nothing you can do to change that...
That's what destiny has done to the kid...nobody can change it.stop meddling in our personal lives!!
its imprudent! he's an adult nowI'd say just get him talking is the important thing , let him vent to someone, someone that can be a sounding board while he vents and also someone who can let him know the #1 thing for him to think of is HIS future. stress to him, HE alone determines his future. HIS choices make his future. Give him confidence and distract him from this girl. Now his life is going to be FULL, full of NEW BEGINNINGS. ,not the old past. Keep close to be able to talk to him and he can open up to you or someone that you think he trusts or likes talking to.