and didn't do good?
Happens to me all the time... especially math (usually get Cs when I aim for at least a B) :/
I have a math test tomorrow and studied all weekend and now studied 2 hours today and I'm going to continue studying after dinner until 10ish... but I do that every time and I don't do well... so we'll see..
If this has happened to you:
*Did you change your study habits?
*How did you feel when you received your bad grade even though you studied hard?Have you ever studied REALLY hard for a test and...?I believe a person can study too hard. When you pour over the same subject without taking
breaks and long periods of time your brain gets tired. The human brain can only absorb so much at one time. A person actually thinks they are studying and the knowledge is going no where.
Has happened to me in the past and still happens to me today and I'm 54 years old.
I see my son do the same thing. I suggest you cover the material so much and make note cards to refer back to. Do the problems on a sheet of paper until you feel comfortable with that section and move on. Remember the books generally have summary pages and sample test. Make use of those, they are there for a reason. Don't be afraid of making a C when you want a B. Sometime our fear of not doing well blocks our thoughts when taking a test. Yes, I have felt bad when I've made less a grade than I wanted. No all of us are good at taking test and if that's the case you're not alone. Also, there are websites that can help you understand math. Use those if you can. Keep your chin up. Aim high and you'll get there. Good Luck!Have you ever studied REALLY hard for a test and...?It has happened to me, but it was because the professor had damn near impossible tests and everybody did bad on his tests...You just need to relax. You are stressing yourself out. The other thing you should do is spend an hour to an hour and a half everyday studying. What you are really doing is cramming and cramming is bad.Have you ever studied REALLY hard for a test and...?Yes, that has happened to me before, too. I think the problem may be that math is just not your thing and while it is good that you study because you might even do worse if you don't, you just don't get it. Just keep on trying and maybe one day it'll %26quot;click%26quot; for you. And, when I received the bad grade after all the studying, of course I felt about getting a tutor?