Have you ever studied REALLY hard for a test and didn't do good?
Happens to me all the time... especially math (usually get Cs when I aim for at least a B) :/
I have a math test tomorrow and studied all weekend and now studied 2 hours today and I'm going to continue studying after dinner until 10ish... but I do that every time and I don't do well... so we'll see..
If this has happened to you:
*Did you change your study habits?
*How did you feel when you received your bad grade even though you studied hard?Ever studied hard for a test... and did bad?The time of day you study actually REALLY depends on what you remember from it. Your long term memory (For things such as memorizing scenes for a play) is increased by 20% I think in the late evening. Short-term is best in the morning. That's why most standardized testing is done in the morning, so students can memorize questions and their comprehension with more ease.Ever studied hard for a test... and did bad?all the time.
to answer your last questions
1) no did not change study habits just accepted the fact that im dumb at that kind of test
2) i felt like crap and like a failure and that stayed the rest of my lifeEver studied hard for a test... and did bad?since I started ap history, it's been happening all the time. I'm an a plus student, knock on wood, so when I got three 78s in a row I got pissed. What I did after was start writing out the key terms and then read the chapter over. I feel like I aced it now but I didn't get the grade back yet. Btw what are you taking? Maybe I can help you.Yes it happened to me in Science. I paid attention in class, studied, worked as hard as possible on the test and got a 52!
I'm failing Science. No matter what I do I can't get better at it. So, I'm giving up.
*P*ssed/annoyed.I find it easy to overstudy and easy to stress about it and then do bad, thats why its important to, for me, make sure that im getting the content as its being given. that way i might review it for an hour before the test, if not best bet is last minute memorization.
Getting bad grades sucks if you actually put work into it, and feels like an insult to me or nothing good.
Im good at math got Bs all last semester without studying or doing any of the hw, people wondered how. One suggestion i might give is, as long as its not calculus or really high math, is to make sure you ask questions, do your homework with your notes out, take the notes and write the examples, and if you really want do extra work, come up with your own problems, and go in for help.
if your getting the stuff but are bad at tests, which is what im guessing, try actually studying less and make them not as such a big deal. Work on some different test strategies, thats what im doing for english