Wednesday, September 21, 2011
How to get in GT and can your IQ change over time?
I wanted to know what would be considered a high IQ a low IQ and an average. I am taking a GT test next week so I wanted to know if my IQ would be tested and if so, how high would mine have to be to get in. I have gotten into GT before but I have to retest. As far as I know my IQ wasn't tested before but I think I had a high IQ. Can IQ's change over time (get lower) ? I'm in 8th grade. If you have an average IQ can you still get in? Do they test you in math? I can't remember. Will you get in with having an extremely high reading level, A and B grades, and an good IQ or do you need to have done some special achievements like student council,awards, community service?How to get in GT and can your IQ change over time?No, IQ doesn't change over time, but tests taken at a young age may not be as accurate as those taken later in life. The average IQ for anyone of any age is 100, the normal range (68% of the population) is 85 to 115, the above average range (15%) is 116 to 130, and 2% will score over 130. I don't know what GT is. A real IQ test doesn't include things that reflect what you've studied, like facts and English and math skills. There are other tests for that.