Saturday, September 24, 2011

How do i write my business letter?..... due. like yesterday?

okay i have to type up a business letter and i have too much to do and im afraid i wont get around to getting it done tonight. :'( i need help Ive never written a business letter... i love you guys. please...

my assignment - to write a letter to Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe expressing concerns and views of the recent Ice storm 2009 disaster for you and your community.

my letter will be graded by theses guidelines:

1. Contain only one ides.

2. Use an active voice

3. Grammatically correct and punctuated correctly

4. Are concise and varied in length.

Here's what i got as a sample:

Your name

Job title or position

123 homestead AV., Suite 189

Toronto, ON, postal code


Recipient's first and last name (Mike Beebe)

Job title or position (Arkansas State Government)

Company's Full Name(State of Arkansas)

Street Address (180 state capital )

Toronto, ON, postal code(7229)

Re: Business letter assignment

Dear MS Mr. Mrs. and last name only:

this is a template for a business letter in full block style. in the first paragraph, you introduce yourself to the recipient. Since it is a business letter, we can assume that the receiver of the letter either does not know you or needs to be reminded who you are. Briefly give the reason for writing this letter.

in the second and third paragraphs, you fill out the information regarding your request or response to a previous letter, phone call or other correspondence. Make sure your tone is professional and polite.

Notice that in the full block style all the paragraphs are aligned left and there is one space between each component and paragraph. remember to change your spell check to eagles(canada). the red lines are spelling mistakes and the green lines are suggestions for grammar revision. Use your discretion here. the suggestions are not always correct. it depends on your intended meaning. click on these lines to make corrections.

In the closing paragraph. politely tell the person the actions you expect them to do reading the letter, and give information for how you wish to be contacted. I f you are asking a favor, thank the recipient in advance.

Sincerely yours,

(Four spaces for your signature)

Your name

Job title if you are writing from a business

Enclosure: (number)


please someone help me i would be eternally grateful. If i had time to do it myself i really would but im really behind on a lot of things and im not the greatest writer out there at all and i need to get caught up on in my classes that are due like yesterday (tomorrow) along with this business letter i have to type up. i hope you guys could help me out even if its just enough help on how to get it started or something and maybe i could get around and getting it done later tonight. but i really really would love it much if someone out there can help me. please i love you all


Dashandalinderer@yahoo.comHow do i write my business letter?..... due. like yesterday?You did a Great Work! Not Alteration Required!!!