Saturday, September 24, 2011

Two personalities inside of me?

I麓m 15 and I found out it麓s a nasty world out there, however, i try to socialise, because i feel I麓m really social, i just can麓t find someone to socialise with, everybody in my school talk about crap.

Everyday i say to myself, be yourself (in school) but it is sooo difficult.

At the end of the day I feel pretty bad, because i feel that i am an outsider, I wanna be a nice person, a happy one, and being sad and depressed in my classes around my classmates just makes me feel worse and worse. Everyday in my home i say to myself, change your attitude, tomorrow you can start all over, bu it麓s the same everyday!

In my school i sort of have a changing process, i feel that a lot of things are happening to me right now, for example, I get good grades, and my classmates get angry for that, I don麓t know how to treat them, I麓m getting tired, because it麓s the same all over.

Any help is ok, and please tell me if you have felt the same, or are feeling the same!Two personalities inside of me?Hi there young lady the world is not a nasty place only some of the people make it look like that,you are very spacial,but just shy,nothing wrong with that,and so what if you are good in your studies ,hard look if your classmates are not as good as you ,just be yourself .the world out there is wonderful,and as you get older you will meet lots of people just like yourself .remember we were not put on this earth to please other people,we can choose are friends as we like.I was an outsider thats because I was no good in my studies .I messed a bout to much ,I had no friends. just remember you are a special young lady. from winifred s
Two personalities inside of me?
Don't worry about your raging schizophrenia, I just hope the two of you learn to get along :)
Two personalities inside of me?
I used to have similar problems in school, a lot of trouble with people in my class and I became very withdrawn and isolated from my classmates, developped depression and ended up with some serious anxiety and confidence issues.

I got out of it in the end because I moved into a completely different class that I already had a friend in, and that's how I met the people I'm still friends with now - having those people to talk to was the only thing that helped me, which is why being around the right people is so important.

People say it's a bit over the top, but if you really have to, you should even change schools just to get yourself in a new social environment, and it really does help not to have all the preconceptions and barriers surrounding you when you are trying to make new friends.
Keep your head up %26amp; keep getting good grades! People want to tear other people down instead of building themselves up. Maybe you can say some nice words and compliments to build the other people up. They obviously feel bad about themselves. Try to point out what is good about them. We all have some gift or ability that others may not have.
I kind of know what you mean, i used to get angry with myself because i was really shy at school and at home i was complete opposite and i used to say to myself stop being so quiet and let yourself go....

I never got good grades and wasn't very popular so it was made worse.

I think because so many people knew me as the quiet one, i thought if i be myself people wont like me so i never did change i left school and went to college where i could start a fresh and i was myself, people liked me for who i am. So don't be scared to show our true self and achieve grades at the end of the day if they don't like you for you then whats the point in you changing who you are to suit them.

Good luck (email if you need to chat more)
It's not about having two personalities, it's just really difficult when you do not 'click' with any of your peers. What you need to do is focus why you don't click with your school colleagues and see if there are any bridges you can build. What you are doing now, by going online is not a bad thing, you may come across people your o.

wn age with similar interests. Just don't give up on humanity yet
  • flooded with viruses
  • need for a rabbit
  • What to say to an angry teenager?

    I teach high school. One of my students was downright scary last year. He had an awful temper, to the point that I warned the teachers around me to check in on my room if they heard me yelling because I expected him to beat someone half to death and I wouldn't be able to stop him. But since then, he's done a complete turnaround. His grades have improved, his attitude has improved, he actually has a plan for his life (wants to join the air force) and while he still gets angry easily, he controls it very well. But recently, his girlfriend cheated on him. I overheard him in class today, telling another student how he was going to %26quot;get%26quot; the other guy. This kid has had a terrible time at home (his parents kick him out of the house about every other week, and smoke pot in front of him and his siblings) and has come a long way. I really think he has the chance to change his life, and is four months from getting away from all of this and starting a new life. I'm concerned that he will hurt this guy and get himself arrested, which will ruin his plans completely. I know it's none of my business, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't at least make an attempt to stop this. If you were an angry 18 year old, what could someone say that would make you change your mind? I remember when I was in high school I assumed that everything adults said was garbage, so I want to be very careful about how I go about this. HELP!!!What to say to an angry teenager?Tell him you have seen a great change in his life and you are so glad he has a plan mapped out. Tell him he has reason to be angry and hurt over this girl friend situation, but to loose control and take revenge out on the guy could derail his plans for the Air Force. Tell him you care about him and his future, and he doesn't need a girl friend who cheats -- he will eventurally find one who really deserves him.

    If he knows you really care, he will listen.

    God Bless.
    What to say to an angry teenager?
    Don't do anything because you might end up hurting yourself.
    What to say to an angry teenager?
    If you know his parents are like that..then what are you waiting for?..why are you asking us? the authorities and report it.
    Man, I have enough trouble getting ten year old boys with anger issues to come around. If you need to say something to him, maybe just tell him how proud you are of him for turning his life around and you want him to know that he can come talk to you if he's feeling like he might make a bad decision regarding recent events.
    I would accept help from others (esp. adults) if they seem genuine. You should try bonding with him and offer to help him with hw or projects. Tell him that you care about his future and would like to be of any further assistance to his problems. It won't be easy at first but if you seem like those great, truly caring teachers in movies, he'll atleast have his ears open for anything you need to say.
    Wow, you must really like this kid...

    I'm so glad that a teacher actually cares about her students...

    This is really nice to read!

    Well, I mean, I'm 15 but I listen to adults, but now it's like I've done it so much, I've pretty much making my own decisions even though they are still trying to tell me what to do, lol...

    But the problem stems from his parents...I mean it has to.

    I know you would feel bad if he gets arrested, but some kids are just doomed, I mean that's how things work in this world...

    Kids go to high school, they're parents are stupid, that makes the kids stupid, and they fall behind and get in trouble...

    He's angry because he doesn't understand the world.

    I can tell you I haven't had the best parents, but I was just born smart I guess...I'm defiantly lucky for it...because my life is going good so far.

    Some kids are born with out a chance, there is little to nothing you can do to change that...

    That's what destiny has done to the kid...nobody can change it.
    stop meddling in our personal lives!!

    its imprudent! he's an adult now
    I'd say just get him talking is the important thing , let him vent to someone, someone that can be a sounding board while he vents and also someone who can let him know the #1 thing for him to think of is HIS future. stress to him, HE alone determines his future. HIS choices make his future. Give him confidence and distract him from this girl. Now his life is going to be FULL, full of NEW BEGINNINGS. ,not the old past. Keep close to be able to talk to him and he can open up to you or someone that you think he trusts or likes talking to.

    Agree or disagree?

    why do people classify a life into generic stages? society impresses sameness upon all of its inhabitants regardless of sex, age, or race. we all have, in shakespeare's words %26quot;seven ages%26quot; or stages of life: infancy, childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, adulthood, middle age, and elderliness. from ignorance to ignorance with little in between. as the famous quote says %26quot;ignorance is bliss%26quot; many people would never apply such a term as ignorance to themselves, why that would be awful to call yourself ignorant wouldnt it? but so many people are ignorant despite their grades, schooling, or job title. from infancy ours parents are taught and shown how they should %26quot;properly%26quot; raise us. then we either accept or reject how they raised us, raising our ow children the same or the opposite of the way we were raised. traditions are then established and placed into action,%26quot;if you do not conform then you shall be reformed!%26quot; this is the way society handles its inhabitants. the contemporary artist is the closest to breaking this cycle. as they go through their schooling they are taught that they must first learn the rules so that they can break them.and this is the only way we can fix our world. our lives are not supposed to be ridged and directed by others, and the first step that you have to take is out of the box! now you are not supposed to question things %26quot;not i your power%26quot; but what is power? think of society as the box and that box is a battery that turns on a light. people in power are essentially an on/off switch that controls the life. now if everyone steps out of the box then the batery has no charge what so ever and the light bulb isnt lit. but now what you have is free energy that can be turned into anything or any action! however we are a people of routine. well actually the whole world is based around an almost perfect biological clock. from migration to the growth of all living things are based around the environment. if it becomes colder you change yourself or you move, a very simple logic. but no this simple logic is something that we humans find difficult to grasp. instead for us if it gets cold we build a fire, so instead of changing ourselves we change our surroundings. so if we arent directed by nature then why do we have routine? the most obvious answer is that routine provides structure which allows for the rise of a society. without which we would be a disjointed species living in small family groups. but still the question is not really answered, why do we get up each morning and work? or only eat at certain times? etc... now what if you were to try something new everyday? you would probably think you would run out of things to do. but if you kept with the trend it would leave you to have to come up with new things to do. this is what we like to call creative thinking and what it does is it gives people freedom. freedom to bring about change. your daily routine would change little by little each day keeping your mind fresh and more importantly enlightening you about the world you live in. no longer would you be drifting in your bubble, but you could become the you that is in touch with the world around you while maintaining the %26quot;you%26quot; that you spent most of your life finding.Agree or disagree?I agree.

    We live in a complex world only because we have chosen to do so. Sometimes I feel like we are pushed in one direction like so many cattle, heading toward the slaughter. I find it strange that many people base their ideas of success based on current societal trends. And not on their own sense of success.
    Agree or disagree?
    a word of advice.. you might want to get the most important thing out of that and make it shorter. i'm too lazy to read all of that. i'm sorry but i think other people think the same way.

    I really need help A.S.A.P. Is this essay I wrote autobiographical or reflective?

    I Almost Died

    I woke up. It was a nothing but average morning. I had no idea what would happen or how it would affect my life. I went to school like every other day, but this day would be tragic and life-changing. My name is Courtney Jones, and I tried to commit suicide. My family wasn't always exactly what you would call “normal”. I grew up with an alcoholic father, and we lost connection when I was at a very young age. We really didn't have much of a relationship. My mom and I were semi-close. But all we ever did was fight. Not to mention the constant fighting between my parents. My home life was complete chaos and rather dysfunctional. I had lost respect for my dad, his drinking was intolerable for me, especially since he had hit my mom when I was younger. I was too young to know what “the side effects of Bipolar Disorder” meant, so I just sort of cut him out of my life as much as possible.

    So, my story kind of begins with my grandpa. Since my dad and I didn't get along, he was like a dad to me. He was my idol, my hero, my everything. When I found out he had cancer, I took it pretty hard. He was what kept me going. All of this was bad enough. But then, I informed my parents of my new girlfriend. They most definitely didn't approve, and it caused even more tension in the house. I felt like they didn't love me anymore. It was the worst possible feeling. With everything else going on,my grades dropped and I started to fail all my classes. I just didn't care anymore. So, I gave up.

    It was a Friday, and I was in my Spanish class. I took thirty Benadryl, and swallowed them ten at a time. I had every intention to “give up” on life. The next few hours after that are a blur. All I remember is waking up in a hospital. There was Mom and Dad, right next to me, both with tears in their eyes. The love I felt had faded, that I thought no longer existed, rolled down their cheeks. I didn't really know where I was, or what was happening. But, I knew my parents cared. I finally knew.

    Everything was different now. My grades were tossed aside, my sexuality not even a slight concern. My grandpa even stopped by. Well, the doctor told my mom I was going to die. Everyone was devastated. Only by a miracle from God, I survived. Next I got sent to a facility. My parents no longer had control, I was on a 5150 hold. I answered a few questions, less confused about what had happened. After talking to some therapists, they released me. My parents were still in shock, but never had seemed so happy to see me. And I was a changed person. I had, in the tragedy, seen a new light.

    In the end, I learned to get along with my mom better,and try harder to have a relationship with my dad. I even got my grades up. Now I have goals. I am going to college and being whatever I want to be. I'm going to live out my life. Sure Dad still has a couple beers every once in awhile, and Mom and I fight here and there. But we love each other. Oh, and Grandpa is doing a lot better. I even donated to a “Cure for Cancer” fund at Vons the other day. My parents learned to accept that I am happy with a girl. She even comes over for dinner, sometimes. All in all, I learned that everyone has problems and everything happens for a reason. I've never been happier and I'll never forget that troubles fade and life is always worth living. Suicide is a permanent solution, for a temporary problem.

    Okay is this a reflective essay in response to to the topic :

    %26quot;It has often been said that we learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes. Descrive a situation in your life in which ou made a mistake. Refelct from your mistake and discusss what you have learned from it%26quot;

    Or is it an autobiographical essay on the topic :

    %26quot;Think of an incident in you life which helped you to change your behavior or attitude.Tell about the incident. Hpw did it make you feel. Why was this change important? Did your family and friends understand the change? If not, what conflicts developed? How were they resolved?%26quot;

    I have to write both topics and both types of essays, I just need to know what catagory this fits under. THANKS for reading! :]I really need help A.S.A.P. Is this essay I wrote autobiographical or reflective?Pardon me for suggesting something different, it's my way of trying to be helpful.

    Narrative Essays

    As a mode of expository writing, the narrative approach, more than any other, offers writers a chance to think and write about themselves. We all have experiences lodged in our memories which are worthy of sharing with readers. Yet sometimes they are so fused with other memories that a lot of the time spent in writing narrative is in the prewriting stage.…………


    Study Skills %26amp; Essay Writing.

    Random Survey:Answer if you feel like it?

    f you acutely answer all of this you will get best answer: i will answer it too

    When was the last time you cried?

    like last week

    2 Have you ever faked sick?


    3 What was the last lie you said?

    my sister was coming over my house

    4 Have you ever cried during a movie?


    5 Who was the last person you couldn%26#039;t take your eyes off of?


    6 Have you ever danced in the rain?


    7 Have you ever been drunk?


    8 Have you ever tried tried drugs?


    9 Do you smoke?

    no not gonna

    10 What%26#039;s the farthest you%26#039;ve ever gone on a dare?

    not very far

    11 What is your full name?

    Alicia ur a stalker

    12 What is your blood-type?


    13 Have you ever been in a car accident?


    14 How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?

    not yet %26gt;:(

    15 Who was your first kiss?


    16 Have you ever had an online relationship?


    17 Have you ever had phone-sex?

    what the heck

    18 Have you ever been rejected by a crush?

    he likes me and i like him but he re...........ooooo

    19 What is your favourite sport to play?


    20 Have you ever made a prank phone call?


    21 Have you ever said


    22 What%26#039;s your favourite childhood memory?

    Theme park with my two BFF

    23 Is there anything that yoyeahu have done that you regret?

    24 What do you want to be when you grow up?

    marine biologist or artist

    25 What is your political persuassion?


    26 Have you ever had cybersex?


    27 Do you believe in God?


    28 Do you believe in love at first sight?


    29 Do you believe in karma?


    30 Who was your first crush?


    31 Who do yo uhave a crush on?


    32 How would you describe yourself?

    annoying fun awesome

    33 What are you afraid of?


    34 Are you religious?

    35 What does your screen name mean?

    idk i like Koi

    36 What person do you trust the most?


    37 Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?


    38 What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?

    ur hot

    39 What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?


    40 What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?

    ljnk bckfjb

    41 What is your greatest strength?


    42 What is your greatest weakness?

    pizza idk

    43 What is your perfect pizza?


    44 What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?

    i want to go back to sleep

    45 What is your first thought before you go to bed?

    i dont want to get up in the morning

    46 What college do you want to go to?


    47 Do you get along with your family?


    48 Do you play any instruments?

    ew no

    49 What kind of music do you like?

    pop and rock

    50 Do you think you%26#039;re attractive?


    51 Would you ever get a tattoo?


    52 How many piercings do you have?


    53 Who makes you laugh?

    friends and sis

    54 Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?

    um jonas brothers

    55 Have you ever seen a dead body?

    AHHH no

    56 Do you have a celebrity crush?


    57 What is one thing scientists should invent?

    a build in pedometer your shoes

    58 Have you ever broken a bone?


    59 What happens after you die?

    heaven-well for the good peeps

    60 Do you watch or read the news?


    61 What stereotype would you label yourself as being?


    62 Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?


    63 If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to?


    64 If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go

    6th grade%26quot;hey he likes you%26quot;

    65 If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?


    66 Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

    no haha

    67 Have you ever played strip poker?


    68 Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?


    69 What do you want your friends to think about you?


    70 Whats the biggest argument you%26#039;ve ever gotten into?

    bunch of random crap

    71 HAve you ever bitten someone?


    72 When%26#039;s your birthday?

    march 25

    73 Have you ever stolen anything?

    no well in like 1st and 2ed grade

    74 Do you make wishes on shooting stars?


    75 Whats the most you%26#039;ve ever eaten in one sitting?

    a lot on thanksgoving

    76 If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?

    %26quot; he likes you%26quot;

    77 Do you remember your dreams?

    i have a dream book

    78 Have you ever been in love?


    79 Are you a morning person or a night person?


    80 Do you have any phobias?


    81 What%26#039;s the meanest thing you%26#039;ve ever done to someone?

    kick em

    82 Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth?


    83 How many screen names do you have?

    a bunch

    84 Do any medical problems run in your family?

    on my moms side other then my mom diabetes

    85 Have aRandom Survey:Answer if you feel like it?When was the last time you cried?

    this morning

    2 Have you ever faked sick?


    3 What was the last lie you said?

    that i wasnt depressed

    4 Have you ever cried during a movie?

    yea but only once

    5 Who was the last person you couldn%26#039;t take your eyes off of?

    my bf :)

    6 Have you ever danced in the rain?

    HECK YES! every time it rains

    7 Have you ever been drunk?

    no just a bit tipsy

    8 Have you ever tried tried drugs?

    no and never will

    9 Do you smoke?

    nope never gonna try

    10 What%26#039;s the farthest you%26#039;ve ever gone on a dare?

    uh braking some stuff once. oops

    11 What is your full name?

    Mind Your Buisness

    12 What is your blood-type?

    like i would know. well..its red

    13 Have you ever been in a car accident?


    14 How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?

    um like in 2nd grade. lol

    15 Who was your first kiss?

    some kid Adam

    16 Have you ever had an online relationship?


    17 Have you ever had phone-sex?


    18 Have you ever been rejected by a crush?

    yes :(

    19 What is your favourite sport to play?


    20 Have you ever made a prank phone call?


    21 Have you ever said PUDDING!

    PUDDING!!! lol. so funny

    22 What%26#039;s your favourite childhood memory?

    um going to six flags

    23 Is there anything that yoyeahu have done that you regret?


    24 What do you want to be when you grow up?


    25 What is your political persuassion?


    26 Have you ever had cybersex?

    W T F

    27 Do you believe in God?


    28 Do you believe in love at first sight?

    yes i do!

    29 Do you believe in karma?


    30 Who was your first crush?

    victor (ugh hes a nerd now lol)

    31 Who do yo uhave a crush on?

    i have a bf- ian

    32 How would you describe yourself?

    Randon, Hyper, Fun, Spaz

    33 What are you afraid of?


    34 Are you religious?

    not really

    35 What does your screen name mean?

    my name?

    36 What person do you trust the most?

    my bff dakota

    37 Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

    um officially? brandon

    38 What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?

    your too sexy not to love

    39 What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?

    your emo

    40 What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?

    4 years

    41 What is your greatest strength?

    being smart! :)

    42 What is your greatest weakness?

    um being gullible

    43 What is your perfect pizza?

    pepperoni and pineapple

    44 What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?

    i dont wanna get up

    45 What is your first thought before you go to bed?

    i love ian

    46 What college do you want to go to?

    princeton..i guess

    47 Do you get along with your family?


    48 Do you play any instruments?

    drums and flute

    49 What kind of music do you like?

    all kind except rap and country

    50 Do you think you%26#039;re attractive?

    not really....

    51 Would you ever get a tattoo?

    sure why not

    52 How many piercings do you have?

    earings and thts it

    53 Who makes you laugh?

    everyone and everything

    54 Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?

    my bf. *but jb sounds good too! lol

    55 Have you ever seen a dead body?


    56 Do you have a celebrity crush?

    ok its nick jonas....

    57 What is one thing scientists should invent?

    hover cars :)

    58 Have you ever broken a bone?


    59 What happens after you die?

    um im not sure which way im going

    60 Do you watch or read the news?

    both *im so nerd*

    61 What stereotype would you label yourself as being?


    62 Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?

    pretty much

    63 If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to?

    i wouldnt

    64 If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go

    7th grade

    65 If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?

    lose a few pounds

    66 Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

    no..not yet at

    67 Have you ever played strip poker?

    um. no?

    68 Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?


    69 What do you want your friends to think about you?

    that im happy

    70 Whats the biggest argument you%26#039;ve ever gotten into?


    71 HAve you ever bitten someone?

    hahahaha yes..ask my friend tori

    72 When%26#039;s your birthday?

    spetember 19

    73 Have you ever stolen anything?

    yea but not from a store

    74 Do you make wishes on shooting stars?


    75 Whats the most you%26#039;ve ever eaten in one sitting?


    76 If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?

    the day i.....nvm

    77 Do you remember your dreams?


    78 Have you ever been in love?

    YES..currently in luv

    79 Are you a morning person or a night person?

    NIGHT! time to party

    80 Do you have any phobias?

    being watched

    81 What%26#039;s the meanest t
    Random Survey:Answer if you feel like it?
    That%26#039;s a lot of questions dude.
    Random Survey:Answer if you feel like it?
    It%26#039;s not worth it.
    When was the last time you cried?

    on friday

    2 Have you ever faked sick?

    not that i remember

    3 What was the last lie you said?

    that i told my mom about my period when i first got it which i havent got but i dont really plan on telling her. i might tell her a few months after i actually get it.

    4 Have you ever cried during a movie?

    yea a lot! for example Herbie Fully Loaded, Ice Age, Wall-e, Lion King

    5 Who was the last person you couldn%26#039;t take your eyes off of?

    my brother

    6 Have you ever danced in the rain?

    yea.! like every time i remember, when it rains

    7 Have you ever been drunk?


    8 Have you ever tried tried drugs?

    no and never!1!!!!!!!!

    9 Do you smoke?

    NO! no matter what people say! LAMOS!

    10 What%26#039;s the farthest you%26#039;ve ever gone on a dare?

    umm i was dared to have dry sex.

    11 What is your full name?

    Happy Holidays Everyone!

    12 What is your blood-type?

    idk i think O

    13 Have you ever been in a car accident?

    just a little, like very little but one time we almost got hit but a speeding car, in a car, good thing we pulled over quick.

    14 How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?

    yea.. when i was in pre-school

    15 Who was your first kiss?

    my brother, we were playing around. plus we didnt know.

    16 Have you ever had an online relationship?

    no, and never will!

    17 Have you ever had phone-sex?

    NO! what the hell is phone sex?

    18 Have you ever been rejected by a crush?

    no. i dont know if i have a crush by someone else

    19 What is your favourite sport to play?

    tumbling in school

    20 Have you ever made a prank phone call?

    YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO! shyes!

    21 Have you ever said PUDDING!

    PUDDING!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

    22 What%26#039;s your favourite childhood memory?

    um going to six flags too! i was six at the time. i also remmember crying because i always used to loose my buttons fron my overalls and i used to cry in pre-school cuz i was afraid my mom wasnt gonna pick me up from there. i also used to cry during nap time cuz i didnt want to sleep! lol

    23 Is there anything that you have done that you regret?


    24 What do you want to be when you grow up?

    idk. i think chemist or gyno or physist. idk

    25 What is your political persuassion?

    idk i love barack obama!

    26 Have you ever had cybersex?


    27 Do you believe in God?


    28 Do you believe in love at first sight?

    no because what if its not.

    29 Do you believe in karma?


    30 Who was your first crush?

    UMMM... i think it was patrick or mckenzie. 1st grade. i dont remember anything.

    31 Who do yo uhave a crush on?

    i have a bf- ian

    32 How would you describe yourself?

    wierd. nice. clever. emotional. (NOT EMO) i just cry a lot if i see something.

    33 What are you afraid of?

    being kidnapped.

    34 Are you religious?

    umm... i dont think so...

    35 What does your screen name mean?

    it means i love christmas and have a ton of spirit and i can%26#039;t wait! im gonna go to hawaii this christmas! first time going too! im sooooooooo exited!

    36 What person do you trust the most?

    my dad

    37 Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

    i dont have one :(

    38 What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?

    your pretty

    39 What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?

    whats wrong with your leg? why do you walk wierd?

    40 What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?

    i think a couple months.

    41 What is your greatest strength?

    being happy

    42 What is your greatest weakness?


    43 What is your perfect pizza?

    cheese stuffed crust with peperoni and garlic bread w/ dippigng sauce.

    44 What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?

    well, my cat usually sleeps in the bed with me so whever i wake up i find her steached next the wall and i pet her and she meows and shes like %26quot;i dont want to be disturbed%26quot; and i get loving and im like %26quot;i love you pisa! and i give her a big old kiss and she comes and cuddles near me. ?_?

    45 What is your first thought before you go to bed?

    good night god. i love you.

    46 What college do you want to go to?

    stanford. my mom works there. :)

    47 Do you get along with your family?


    48 Do you play any instruments?

    drums and flute

    49 What kind of music do you like?

    all kind except rap and country

    50 Do you think you%26#039;re attractive?

    ehh not much...

    51 Would you ever get a tattoo?

    EW NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    52 How many piercings do you have?

    i have one earring on each ear so 2 piercings.

    53 Who makes you laugh?

    my friend

    54 Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?

    david archuleta or nick jonas

    55 Have you ever seen a dead body?


    56 Do you have a celebrity crush?

    david archuleta.

    57 What is one thing scientists should invent?

    an automatic homework do-er

    58 Have you ever broken a bone?

    no and i dont plan to ever.

    59 What happens after you die?

    you stay in a coffin forever and dont do anything.

    60 Do you watch or read the news?

    watch! i dont read much.

    61 What stereotype would you label yourself as being?


    62 Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?


    63 If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to?

    monica something

    64 If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go

    when i was 5 years old.

    65 If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?

    my eye sight so that i wouldnt have glasses

    66 Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

    no i dont ever know what skinny dipping is first of all.

    67 Have you ever played strip poker?

    no that sounds gross

    68 Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?


    69 What do you want your friends to think about you?

    that i dont have a problem with my leg which i do.

    70 Whats the biggest argument you%26#039;ve ever gotten into?

    i dont remember the bad stuff. forget and remember and move on is my motto

    71 Have you ever bitten someone?

    hahahaha yes.. my cousin

    72 When%26#039;s your birthday?

    february 20th. **** %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;year (not swearing)

    73 Have you ever stolen anything?

    yea, pencil pouches and a body spray i liked. from the girls lockerroom

    74 Do you make wishes on shooting stars?


    75 Whats the most you%26#039;ve ever eaten in one sitting?

    christmas. i think

    76 If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?

    the day i was born.

    77 Do you remember your dreams?

    yes. kinda but i hate when i think too much to remember and i forget everything

    78 Have you ever been in love?

    well ive had crushes

    79 Are you a morning person or a night person?


    80 Do you have any phobias?


    81What%26#039;s the meanest thing you%26#039;ve ever done to someone?

    cuss them and flip em off.

    82Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth?

    yes. i had to get surgery since i had a problem with my left leg at 3 yrs old.

    83How many screen names do you have?

    about 70

    84Do any medical problems run in your family?

    well, i dont think so... my grandma%26#039;s foot hurts a lot=(

    i have a leg problem

    85 do i have a what?
    When was the last time you cried?

    a couple of days ago

    2 Have you ever faked sick?


    3 What was the last lie you said?

    umm idk let me say one... %26quot;my feet are the size of turnips%26quot; lol my brother just looked at me like what the heck

    4 Have you ever cried during a movie?

    yes not at the theatre but at home

    5 Who was the last person you couldn%26#039;t take your eyes off of?


    6 Have you ever danced in the rain?


    7 Have you ever been drunk?


    8 Have you ever tried tried drugs?


    9 Do you smoke?

    no never

    10 What%26#039;s the farthest you%26#039;ve ever gone on a dare?

    ughh idk. i dont do dares anymore lol.

    11 What is your full name?


    12 What is your blood-type?


    13 Have you ever been in a car accident?

    a couple but not like serious ones or anything

    14 How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?

    when i was in 1st grade but i dont count that.

    15 Who was your first kiss?

    no one. i said i dont count that one ^ :]

    16 Have you ever had an online relationship?


    17 Have you ever had phone-sex?

    no ew

    18 Have you ever been rejected by a crush?

    not really. ive never asked anyone out so therefore no

    19 What is your favourite sport to play?

    basketball %26amp; softball

    20 Have you ever made a prank phone call?


    21 Have you ever said


    22 What%26#039;s your favourite childhood memory?

    uhh idk.a lot :]

    23 Is there anything that yoyeahu have done that you regret?


    24 What do you want to be when you grow up?

    actress or a lawyer or journalist or teacher. i really dont know

    25 What is your political persuassion?

    independent. if thats what i think it means lol

    26 Have you ever had cybersex?

    EW no

    27 Do you believe in God?


    28 Do you believe in love at first sight?


    29 Do you believe in karma?


    30 Who was your first crush?

    this kid sam.

    31 Who do yo uhave a crush on?

    no one

    32 How would you describe yourself?

    weird quiet fun smart shy outgoing (hehe im both)

    33 What are you afraid of?


    34 Are you religious?

    yes. i believe in God and everything i just dont go to church.

    35 What does your screen name mean?


    36 What person do you trust the most?

    my mom, and my friends alexa and beth,

    37 Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

    no oneee

    38 What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?

    i dont know. ... %26quot;you look like a movie star%26quot; aha i like being told that

    39 What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?


    40 What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?

    idk 3 yearsish

    41 What is your greatest strength?


    42 What is your greatest weakness?

    um i tend to talk about myself a lot and idk.

    43 What is your perfect pizza?


    44 What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?

    i dont want to wake up

    45 What is your first thought before you go to bed?

    im sleepy

    46 What college do you want to go to?

    idk yet. i have 3 or 4 that i like a lot

    47 Do you get along with your family?


    48 Do you play any instruments?

    piano, clarinet(aha i hate that instrument), and learning guitar. *BTW- why the %26quot;ew no.%26quot;? lol

    49 What kind of music do you like?

    pop, rock, country, hip hop, and idk basically anything.

    50 Do you think you%26#039;re attractive?


    51 Would you ever get a tattoo?


    52 How many piercings do you have?

    2 ears

    53 Who makes you laugh?


    54 Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?

    jonas brothers lol mee too. no i dont think i would like being tied to anyone... thats weird

    55 Have you ever seen a dead body?


    56 Do you have a celebrity crush?

    joe jonas, corbin bleu, orlando bloom, taylor lautner, idk lol lottts

    57 What is one thing scientists should invent?

    ummm idk

    58 Have you ever broken a bone?


    59 What happens after you die?

    no one really knows but i believe heaven.

    60 Do you watch or read the news?


    61 What stereotype would you label yourself as being?


    62 Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?

    idkk maybe

    63 If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to?

    i wouldnt

    64 If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go

    umm sometime before 3rd grade

    65 If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?

    a lot.

    66 Have you ever gone skinny dipping?


    67 Have you ever played strip poker?


    68 Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?


    69 What do you want your friends to think about you?

    that im a nice person

    70 Whats the biggest argument you%26#039;ve ever gotten into?


    71 HAve you ever bitten someone?

    aha yes

    72 When%26#039;s your birthday?

    its a secret

    73 Have you ever stolen anything?

    lol accidentally

    74 Do you make wishes on shooting stars?


    75 Whats the most yo
    When was the last time you cried?


    2 Have you ever faked sick?


    3 What was the last lie you said?

    that i didn%26#039;t know something that I did know

    4 Have you ever cried during a movie?


    5 Who was the last person you couldn%26#039;t take your eyes off of?

    hot guy

    6 Have you ever danced in the rain?


    7 Have you ever been drunk?

    not yet

    8 Have you ever tried tried drugs?


    9 Do you smoke?


    10 What%26#039;s the farthest you%26#039;ve ever gone on a dare?


    11 What is your full name?

    my name is *name withheld* lol xD

    12 What is your blood-type?


    13 Have you ever been in a car accident?


    14 How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?

    not yet

    15 Who was your first kiss?

    c above

    16 Have you ever had an online relationship?


    17 Have you ever had phone-sex?

    no...?? how does that work? never mind...

    18 Have you ever been rejected by a crush?

    yes lol he%26#039;s a jerk

    19 What is your favourite sport to play?

    I hate sports, but I guess football

    20 Have you ever made a prank phone call?


    21 Have you ever said

    milk and cookies.

    22 What%26#039;s your favourite childhood memory?

    Easter when I was 4

    23 Is there anything that yoyeahu have done that you regret?

    umm.. some

    24 What do you want to be when you grow up?


    25 What is your political persuassion?

    not into that stuff

    26 Have you ever had cybersex?


    27 Do you believe in God?

    yeah i guess

    28 Do you believe in love at first sight?


    29 Do you believe in karma?


    30 Who was your first crush?

    Traven or Ben

    31 Who do yo uhave a crush on?


    32 How would you describe yourself?


    33 What are you afraid of?

    spiders and heights

    34 Are you religious?

    not really

    35 What does your screen name mean?

    its my nickname

    36 What person do you trust the most?


    37 Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

    ummm... Traven

    38 What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?

    And I quote: you know, if the entire human population were like you, the world would be heaven.

    This came from a really hot guy too!

    39 What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?

    You%26#039;re fat

    40 What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?

    Zack xD

    41 What is your greatest strength?

    Artistic and creative

    42 What is your greatest weakness?


    43 What is your perfect pizza?


    44 What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?

    Edward Cullen

    45 What is your first thought before you go to bed?

    Edward Cullen

    46 What college do you want to go to?


    47 Do you get along with your family?


    48 Do you play any instruments?

    French Horn

    49 What kind of music do you like?

    Punk and oldies and rock

    50 Do you think you%26#039;re attractive?

    yeah, kind of. I%26#039;m no super model though

    51 Would you ever get a tattoo?


    52 How many piercings do you have?



    53 Who makes you laugh?

    My friends

    54 Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?

    Nathan Lane

    55 Have you ever seen a dead body?


    56 Do you have a celebrity crush?

    Rob Pattinson

    57 What is one thing scientists should invent?

    a body suit that makes you fly

    58 Have you ever broken a bone?


    59 What happens after you die?

    idk I%26#039;ve never died before

    60 Do you watch or read the news?


    61 What stereotype would you label yourself as being?

    preppy punk lol

    62 Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?


    63 If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to?

    I like my name, but Gisele I guess

    64 If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would



    65 If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?

    I wish my voice were higher...

    66 Have you ever gone skinny dipping?


    67 Have you ever played strip poker?


    68 Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?


    69 What do you want your friends to think about you?

    I%26#039;m nice and fun

    70 Whats the biggest argument you%26#039;ve ever gotten into?


    71 HAve you ever bitten someone?


    72 When%26#039;s your birthday?

    *date withheld*

    73 Have you ever stolen anything?


    74 Do you make wishes on shooting stars?


    75 Whats the most you%26#039;ve ever eaten in one sitting?

    Oh God...

    76 If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?


    77 Do you remember your dreams?


    78 Have you ever been in love?


    79 Are you a morning person or a night person?


    80 Do you have any phobias?

    spiders and heights

    81 What%26#039;s the meanest thing you%26#039;ve ever done to someone?


    82 Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth?

    ohhh yeahh

    83 How many screen names do you have?

    too many

    84 Do any medical problem
    1 When was the last time you cried? math teacher was being a douche and he made me cry 3 times in class and then told me i needed counselling and that i should be in math essentials instead of principals cos i was %26quot;evidentially to stupid for real math%26quot; (he came mid term and before he came i was at an A and then he comes and now im at a C-......) which just pushed me to the limit and made me walk out

    2 Have you ever faked sick?

    =D lol all the time :p

    3 What was the last lie you said?

    i dont remember

    4 Have you ever cried during a movie?


    5 Who was the last person you couldn%26#039;t take your eyes off of?


    6 Have you ever danced in the rain?


    7 Have you ever been drunk?


    8 Have you ever tried tried drugs?

    NO WAY!!!

    9 Do you smoke?

    no not gonna

    10 What%26#039;s the farthest you%26#039;ve ever gone on a dare?

    not very far

    11 What is your full name?

    Erika-Marie ***** (Creepy....o.O)

    12 What is your blood-type?


    13 Have you ever been in a car accident?


    14 How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?

    not yet %26gt;:(

    15 Who was your first kiss?


    16 Have you ever had an online relationship?


    17 Have you ever had phone-sex?

    what the heck

    18 Have you ever been rejected by a crush?

    well sorta....i liked him (still do actually) and he didnt know htat and then he broke my heart with some other (rather quite hidious) female creature (and i still think he could have gotten better than that honestly) and he just didnt see it but you could tell that he liked me too....

    19 What is your favourite sport to play?

    i ski dance swim figure skate and do gymnastics

    20 Have you ever made a prank phone call?


    21 Have you ever said



    22 What%26#039;s your favourite childhood memory?

    going to the park with my grandma and cousins and siblings and jsut playing on the playground and living life the way it was meant to be all seems so surreal now....

    23 Is there anything that you have done that you regret?

    yes lots

    24 What do you want to be when you grow up?

    hmm.... either doctor, chef or pastry chef

    25 What is your political persuassion?


    26 Have you ever had cybersex?


    27 Do you believe in God?


    28 Do you believe in love at first sight?


    29 Do you believe in karma?

    sure...why not.....what goes around comes around :p

    30 Who was your first crush?


    31 Who do yo uhave a crush on?

    well my origional answer was gonna be Josh but now youve got me thinking if i have a crush on a boy named Dalton just like my friend (and his friend) have said....

    32 How would you describe yourself?

    annoying fun awesome and random :p

    33 What are you afraid of?

    failing school and becoming a drop out and also being abducted by a pedaphile

    34 Are you religious?

    technically not (i was never baptised and my parents arent church go-ers) but i still respect and honor the bible and i wear a purity ring to keep me feeling pure....

    35 What does your screen name mean?

    its my first and middle name.....nothing more to be said :p

    36 What person do you trust the most?

    my best friend.....she is more like a sister i can tell anything to without any of it escaping from the little bubble it is told in...

    37 Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

    haha it wasnt really real was in kindergarten and first it was pretty funny if you think about it :p his name was Larz and he had a mullet :p

    38 What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?

    well to my face it was (from a 4 year old but also my friend who saw me for the first time said this aswell) your pretty Erika!.....pretty AND funny!!!! and my friend said that i was georgously beautiful and that i lit up the room and made her feel even less atractive (but thats hard to understand.......also another friend said the same thing :p)

    39 What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?

    oh i cant pin point just one........there are atleast half a million things.....

    40 What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?

    2 year could say i was in love from afar but then he broke my heart.but i still like him alot!!!!!

    41 What is your greatest strength?


    42 What is your greatest weakness?

    being easily manipulated

    43 What is your perfect pizza?


    44 What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?

    i want to go back to sleep

    45 What is your first thought before you go to bed?

    i dont want to get up in the morning

    46 What college do you want to go to?

    creepy....o.O.......idk........UBC i guess

    47 Do you get along with your family?


    48 Do you play any instruments?

    im just starting guitar..........and i can stilll somewhat remember how to play the recorder and piano from 4th grade :p

    49 What kind of music do you like?

    anything other than country (with the exception of taylor swift :P)

    How does highschool change people?

    YOU DON%26#039;T HAVE TO READ THE PART WITH ------ that around it.

    Like they say highschool changes people. Is that true?

    Does it really make a change in your life?

    Although I%26#039;m not going to be freshman this year (going to 8th grade. :P), its not that far away. And it already kinda makes me nervous.I really don%26#039;t have anything to worry about, but still.

    And I don%26#039;t really understand how it should change me, because I%26#039;m just going to see the same people from my elementary and middle school. My town is small. We only have one middleschool, one junior high, and one highschool. And they%26#039;re all small, too. :\ We have like 5 elementary schools, but all the kids from those 5 elementary schools go to the same middle school. :\ Unless they move, but there%26#039;s always more to come, especially since this town is really close to an Airforce base. Plus, there%26#039;s no highschool or middleschool on the

    ---Maybe I%26#039;ll get a bit louder, since I%26#039;m used to being quiet. But I%26#039;m not going to change my thoughts on society and the superficial crowds in my school. Those people are usually rude, and don%26#039;t notice me at all unless I doll myself up. What does that show me? I refuse to be shallow and treat pretty everyone the same. I mean, I%26#039;ll still be nice and make a good impression towards those crowds because I avoid making enemies at all costs, but that doesn%26#039;t mean I don%26#039;t look down on them. I%26#039;ll still be friends with them, and be nice to them, as long as they%26#039;re nice to me. So, I%26#039;ll never stoop to their level. Even to the mean people I%26#039;ve met. I always try to work things out, or treat them with kindness. But when the time comes, I will get angry at them. I try to avoid that, though. I%26#039;d rather be the better hearted person, than someone who is cold and rejects people easily for who they are, what they look like, etc. Its not an image that I want to portray.

    I always want to get along with everyone. There%26#039;s only like one person who I really don%26#039;t like and that%26#039;s because no matter how kind I am to him, he%26#039;ll be super mean to me.----

    Anyways, the only difference would be is, I get to see the sophmore and the juniors again, because they used to be in my middle school. I%26#039;ve never seen the seniors before, though.How does highschool change people?lawl. Hun, highschool is NOT anything like movies. Those cliques don%26#039;t exist. There are friend groups, sure, but they%26#039;re not as intense as the media portrays it. That%26#039;s more like middle school.

    In high school people find put who they really are, especially junior and senior year. You%26#039;ll lose some friends but you%26#039;ll gain a lot more. People will experiment with drugs, alcohol and sex, but you don%26#039;t have to get involved with that if you don%26#039;t want to.
    How does highschool change people?
    It changed 99% of my friends into drug addicts, sex fiends, and alcoholics. I however have not changed. I plan on keeping it that way.
    How does highschool change people?
    im not even going to read anything. yes it does change people, you have no clue.
    I know that if you have older friends sometimes they won%26#039;t want to hang out with you anymore. that happened to me
    dont talk 2 much about anything. if u do talk say something clever or something that wont get someone to tell you to shut up. dress up but dont be a doll. keep it real but dont tell em eveything. and dont be too loyal to one or two friends. make new ones. ditch em if u have to. good luck. stay hardened. dont let um get to you
    People start drinking and taking drugs and other silly things like such, and that in turn changes them. Friendships change immensly because you start doing different things, eg one of your friends might start doing drugs and you think it%26#039;s really stupid, so she goes and hangs out with other people.

    High School%26#039;s not that bad though, don%26#039;t worry too much about it because most of the crappy things probably won%26#039;t affect you because you seem pretty strong minded, which is fantastic :]

    It%26#039;s good that you don%26#039;t want to make trouble with other people because, believe me, that%26#039;ll benefit you in the long run.

    Have fun!
    I think it%26#039;s more puberty that changes people. Its a stage where everyone is growing, changing and realising who they are. A lot of people have to go through silly stages in order to grow up. Everyone changes, and goes through all sorts of experiences, and all you can do is enjoy the journey.

    I read your entire thing and you seem to have a very amiable personality - search it on google, you will learn a lot about yourself and the ways that you see the world and other people see you.

    Best of luck and don%26#039;t get scared of change! Who knows, people changing may actually be for the better!
    Highschool does change you even if your go their with people you already know.It can change you inside or it can change you outside or both.

    My experiance

    well im in england so i didn%26#039;t go to middle school but i went to primary school (ages 3-12) then went to highschool (ages 12-18 but u can leave at 16)

    Well im still at highschool so im still changing but so far:

    -i made loads more friends

    -when i started thre i was a tomboy (no makeup no skirts no boys) now school and my friends have turned me into a girlygirl (apart from the fact i dont wear miniskirts and cake makeup on)

    -ive started looking at boys differently (although i don%26#039;t have a boyfriend yet.....i want 1)

    -when i started my favourite subject had always been things like maths and english (lame i no) and i had always thought of being like a lawyer or spmething when im older. now my fav subject is textiles (making clothes etc.) and i want to be something to with textiles)

    when i started i told myself that im not going to be friends with the %26#039;populars%26#039; and %26#039;plastics%26#039; but now i wouldn%26#039;t call them friends but they are friendly to me when i always thought they would hate me cos im a geek.

    also i got bullyed in primary and then when i got to highschool although the bullys were there they didn%26#039;t bully me (it seemed like they had grown up)

    everyone seemes to get much older and more grown up when they get to highschool.

    and lastly in high school people find put who they really are, especially junior and senior year. You%26#039;ll lose some friends but you%26#039;ll gain a lot more. People will experiment with drugs, alcohol and sex, but you don%26#039;t have to get involved with that if you don%26#039;t want to.
    Well I think high school hasn%26#039;t changed me alot ! I feel im the same person that I was in middle school ! I jus kinda feel like high school actually made me stronger . But its kinda of sculpting me into who were going to be when we get older is what i believe .
    It changed me into a drug and alcohol addict temporarily, but then it also opened my eyes and made me realize that I am who I am, and if people don%26#039;t like me for who I am, then they can go suck an egg. I guess that changed me into who I am now.
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  • What Should I say to this Guy On Facebook?

    Okay, basically last year, mainly the year before in 7th and 8th grade. I use to get into trouble, not to much but just little things. But this year 9th grade (freshman year) I have not gotten in trouble one single time. I get positive comments about me from most of my teachers, and I am getting good grades.

    So basically, this girl who use to be in my class was talking about how much I changed, in a positive way. When this guy who use to be in my class said:

    %26quot;I don't believe you changed (my name). People don't change. That is how it works.%26quot;

    Then I replied:

    %26quot;Nathaniel, of course people change, thats a part of life. To learn lessons from mistakes and change your ways to become a better person. And I don't need your approval to know that I have changed. It is growing up, or maturing. I think you need to do a little bit of growing up yourself. I don't mean to offend you in any way whatsoever, but your comment is kind of offending.%26quot;

    And then he said:

    ^^^Stop using caps at random times, ^^ Grey's Anatomy is a tv show, doesn't really apply, I have an amazing case for this side of the story, but pointing it out would be sinking to your level, so Ill ttyl, also, your argument was completely unoffensive, but i believe i have earned some credit so I'll just put my offense on a previous misdemeanor, K? Just one last note of happiness, you said I needed to change, i don't care if I need to change. I don't change, NOBODY CHANGES, I thought that was clear. Telling someone that they need to change isn't mature, nor is pointing out that you have changed. Those statements lead me to believe you haven't changed at all. ^^^^I prefer the term %26quot;realistic%26quot;.

    Then right after that he said:

    %26quot;fyi this isnt specifically about you Ellis, just proving a point.%26quot;

    How should I reply to him? I honestly do not know what I said wrong. I am trying to be nice to him. Anyways, how should I reply to him? Any help would be appreciated, thanks reading.What Should I say to this Guy On Facebook?I think you should tell him that ppl are different, and thats his opinion that people dont change is what he thinks. tell him too eff off he seems like a real bleep
    What Should I say to this Guy On Facebook?
    Call him an idiot and block him.
    What Should I say to this Guy On Facebook?
    I think don't reply to it, if you do talk to him again then make it about a new topic or whatever because this is a subject that you're obviously going to disagree on, you both argued your side so just leave it at that.

    Not everybody can think the same :)

    How do i write my business letter?..... due. like yesterday?

    okay i have to type up a business letter and i have too much to do and im afraid i wont get around to getting it done tonight. :'( i need help Ive never written a business letter... i love you guys. please...

    my assignment - to write a letter to Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe expressing concerns and views of the recent Ice storm 2009 disaster for you and your community.

    my letter will be graded by theses guidelines:

    1. Contain only one ides.

    2. Use an active voice

    3. Grammatically correct and punctuated correctly

    4. Are concise and varied in length.

    Here's what i got as a sample:

    Your name

    Job title or position

    123 homestead AV., Suite 189

    Toronto, ON, postal code


    Recipient's first and last name (Mike Beebe)

    Job title or position (Arkansas State Government)

    Company's Full Name(State of Arkansas)

    Street Address (180 state capital )

    Toronto, ON, postal code(7229)

    Re: Business letter assignment

    Dear MS Mr. Mrs. and last name only:

    this is a template for a business letter in full block style. in the first paragraph, you introduce yourself to the recipient. Since it is a business letter, we can assume that the receiver of the letter either does not know you or needs to be reminded who you are. Briefly give the reason for writing this letter.

    in the second and third paragraphs, you fill out the information regarding your request or response to a previous letter, phone call or other correspondence. Make sure your tone is professional and polite.

    Notice that in the full block style all the paragraphs are aligned left and there is one space between each component and paragraph. remember to change your spell check to eagles(canada). the red lines are spelling mistakes and the green lines are suggestions for grammar revision. Use your discretion here. the suggestions are not always correct. it depends on your intended meaning. click on these lines to make corrections.

    In the closing paragraph. politely tell the person the actions you expect them to do reading the letter, and give information for how you wish to be contacted. I f you are asking a favor, thank the recipient in advance.

    Sincerely yours,

    (Four spaces for your signature)

    Your name

    Job title if you are writing from a business

    Enclosure: (number)


    please someone help me i would be eternally grateful. If i had time to do it myself i really would but im really behind on a lot of things and im not the greatest writer out there at all and i need to get caught up on in my classes that are due like yesterday (tomorrow) along with this business letter i have to type up. i hope you guys could help me out even if its just enough help on how to get it started or something and maybe i could get around and getting it done later tonight. but i really really would love it much if someone out there can help me. please i love you all


    Dashandalinderer@yahoo.comHow do i write my business letter?..... due. like yesterday?You did a Great Work! Not Alteration Required!!!

    Bicurious Jock Or Straight and Confused? Maybe BISEXUAL?

    Say you're a pretty hot bisexual guy. Very popular in your town cuz you used to be a good football player, you have loads of friends. Your straight buddies flirt w/ ya cuz you're a pretty boy. You like both guy and girls, but tend to be more sexually/emotionally attracted to women. You like guys too, you think they're hot, but can't really see yourself been involved in a sexual/emotional relationship w/ one, all you want is to have controll over hot guys. Your freshman year, your girlfriend moves away and breaks up w/ you. You go nuts and sleep around w/ over 10 girls and date over 30. Then one day at a football game you see her again, also you meet a hot jock there. Bisexual too, and he likes you but has a girlfriend. You make friends w/ him and share lots of things in common, you also wear the same jersey #, you're the same age, same number of siblings who also share the exact same age, it's unbelieveable how many things you have in common w/ this guy. He then sends you messages on your myspace and on your cell phone, and your x girlfriends begin to notice that. At school they ask you why you ignore them for that guy, then one day someone borrows your cell phone and reads the texts he sent you. The girl likes you, has liked you for a very long time, but you only see her like a friend. She keeps quiet, but tells only one other person, your girl best friends (likes you too) but she's a Junior. They forget the whole thing, then this guy comes down to town to see you, drives 2 hours just to see you. He tells you he likes you and wants you to blow him, but you don't want to because you're not into that, you like his face he's really cute and really hot, and you like him but you don't want to have sex w/ him.

    24 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    20 minutes ago

    You reject him, he goes away for some time. You date this girl and like her a lot, but cheat on her w/ your x girlfreind, you tell her, she forgives you, but still you take her for granted, you make out w/ her best friend, and she finds out, forgives you again. She then starts dating someone else, you break them up. You sleep w/ her, then you break up w/ her, and make out w/ her x boyfriend.

    14 minutes ago

    time later, you begin a short relationship w/ a guy that works at your school, only to get good grades. You end the relationship, and move away to another schoool. You're trying to leave everything behind you and start over. You quit the team, dump your old friends, you don't date anymore, then one night you meet this hot guy that looks like tom welling, you meet him on myspace through some freind of yours, and use witch craft to attract him to you. The next day he transfers to your new school.

    12 minutes ago

    It's not a movie script, your reading 4 years of my life.

    4 minutes ago

    There at your new school, you make some freinds, get into fights and people like you cuz of that. Then you find out that one of the friends you've made is your x girlfriends new boyfreinds/husbands' cousin. You go back to your old school and find out she's pregnant, it breaks your heart, so you transferr away again. You graduate early and hear from your old football Jock buddy/crush. He wants to know if you've changed your mind, but you haven't. You lie and tell him you have, he comes down again, (he's still w/ his same girlfreind) You let him kiss you and that's as far as he gets. You stay single and abstenent for a whole year, after that. He then graduates and now he's in college and his gf is w/ him, and I ******* like him. I really miss him, his gf is hot too and I like her too. They're togehter and it kills me. I didn't feel this way before. I'm transferring to his school next Semester, and then moving to another private school in New York after that.

    45 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    41 minutes ago

    It's a weird thing, because, sometimes i'm attracted to guys, others to girls. I am very confused. I never got erections in the showers and most of the guys there were pretty hot, (the seniors)

    39 minutes ago

    It's a weird thing, because, sometimes i'm attracted to guys, others to girls. I am very confused. I never got erections in the showers and most of the guys there were pretty hot, (the seniors)Bicurious Jock Or Straight and Confused? Maybe BISEXUAL?Wow the way you wrote that, I kinda thought it was a erotica story, not a question;)

    I think you just need to relax and realize you have time to figure things out. Its natural at your age to be sexually confused. Just look at the person and not the gender, do what you feel comfortable doing, and the rest will work itself out;)
    Bicurious Jock Or Straight and Confused? Maybe BISEXUAL?
    I know how you feel..I am attracted to both genders yet am virgin-gay but straight-not virginal...Since you are an adult you are free to explore your sexuality more freely...
    Bicurious Jock Or Straight and Confused? Maybe BISEXUAL?
    i'm not sure what your question is.

    but the answer is that you should start respecting other people if you want them to respect you - regardless of sexuality, orientation or imagined ego.
    Damn that's really long! well, maybe yew should go c a psychiatrist or something and ask them for advice.or maybe a really close frenn.

    Share your homeschooling experiences?

    Don%26#039;t be afraid to go into detail - I am really interested in hearing your experiences.

    If you are a parent who is homeschooling your child, are you teaching them the same curriculum for the same grades as public school or at a higher level? Do you ever plan on putting them back into the public education system? If so, in which grade? How do you help them develop socially? And how do you think the public education system could improve so that you feel it good enough for your child? Looking back on it now, do you still feel good about homeschooling your child or do you wish it had been otherwise? Do you have any similarities to public schools, like taking your child on field trips? Do you make sure they learn art and music as well or is it merely textbook academia?

    If you are a %26#039;child%26#039; [I use that term loosely] who has been homeschooled in your past or is being homeschooled right now, would you rather have been enrolled in a public school or did you think your homeschooling experience was beneficial? Were you still able to make good friends and if so, how? Now, do you find that your are at a higher or lower academic level than your friends who have not been homeschooled? Did you find it hard to focus on learning since you were comfortable at home instead of a professional environment like a classroom, or did it help you learn because you weren%26#039;t intimidated by other kids and learned at your own pace? What would you have changed about your homeschooling experience?

    Let%26#039;s hear the stories! =)Share your homeschooling experiences?Oh wow... so much that could be said! I started out teaching him where I felt like he was... and still do for the most part. But I%26#039;ve also %26#039;loosened up%26#039; a bit on what I try to %26#039;teach%26#039; in the first place. I%26#039;ll never be a %26#039;real%26#039; unschooler... but I just have become much, much more relaxed.

    There are things I was taught in school that he will want to learn much deeper... and things he won%26#039;t want to learn at all. I plan on doing a %26#039;gloss%26#039; of the %26#039;required%26#039; things we were taught, but for the most part we are going to follow his lead on what to dive into full force. I want him to actually *retain* the knowledge long past when I hand him a diploma (and we will be doing this right up to the diploma)... so he needs to be learning things that mean something to him.

    Socially homeschooling has been *perfect* for this child. He has Aspergers and would be a %26#039;target%26#039; like I was in public school. In our homeschool group he isn%26#039;t expected to be %26#039;just like everyone else%26#039;... so he fits just fine. He is involved in Theater and Martial Arts... he has friends from church as well. I do think as he gets older (he%26#039;s 11yrs now) he will see them less at formal activities and more in individual plans and such... but even now he has sleepovers and such with a close friend.

    I think a lot about what will change as my younger three get started. We will start Kindergarden with my 4yr old next year... and have a 3yr old and 1 1/2 yr old coming along after that. More than anything I think I%26#039;ll be looking at them more as individuals from the start... and less as a set of lessons that must be accomplished before 12th grade.

    My daughter is more of a %26#039;social butterfly%26#039; already... and the activities with the homeschool group have been great for that. I will be %26#039;watching%26#039; her for signs that she needs %26#039;more%26#039; in the social area... but I think really she just needs the same choices my oldest had. She%26#039;ll just chose different groups, different friends along the way.

    I%26#039;ve watched a friend with six kids burn out trying to teach five different grade levels (one set of twins)... so that has taught me to combine subjects that we can instead of keeping everyone seperate. As different as my kids are we can still be covering the same time period in history and each of them can tackle it on their own level and through the topics that interest them most. I%26#039;m excited to see it happen!

    We have been blessed with a great new %26#039;co-op%26#039; where the kids will be able to persue individual interests a bit more as well. We%26#039;ve done a lot of art and music through programs like that since it isn%26#039;t my area of expertise... and since it is such an individual thing! My son loves taking Art classes that would have bored me to tears. It is great to have a group of homeschool parents to trade and share with so we all get to teach someone who is *excited* by what we have to teach and to have someone available to teach our kids what they most want to learn.

    Public schools are just so %26#039;cookie cutter%26#039;. The more I homeschool the more I realize my kids don%26#039;t have to fit that mold!
    Share your homeschooling experiences?
    I%26#039;m 14. At a sleep over with my public schooled friends last night, they told me all about the mandatory %26quot;tri city dance,%26quot; where the middle schoolers freely grind and some use drugs. Although police are present outside, there are no adults inside. I live in a nice, middle class area, and this is our school system. Why would I want to be a part of that?

    I love math, psycology, and writing. I wouldn%26#039;t get to focus on those and other favorite subjects if I was in a public school. As is, my friends give me odd looks when I say that I actually ENJOY school. I%26#039;m lucky to have a family that has my best interests at heart. I miss out on nothing, and anyway, will the %26quot;public school experience%26quot; really matter when Im looking for a job down the road?
    Share your homeschooling experiences?
    Yes it is beneficial because now I am so much closer to my family if I hadn%26#039;t been homeschooled. I have learned a lot more from my parents that I would otherwise have had to learn from schools, and I am glad I learned it from my parents, and not the schools.

    Yes, I have made friends. Maybe not as much as if I had been public schooled, but I go to youth group and church and there I can see friends, there%26#039;s also facebook and email that I can be friends with people on. And here too!

    I have been found to be on a level or higher then my friends around me as far as school goes. I think that I am about the same as everyone - same grade, same lessons, basically. Some I%26#039;m ahead, some I%26#039;m behind. Like every other person, homeschooled or not.

    No I haven%26#039;t really found it that hard. In a public school everything going on around me (like drama, etc)would be distracting and I would easily make stories out of the people around me.( I have a vivid imagination and love to write and make stories) I would probably be intimidated by some of the kids, and I would feel pushed by the pace in schools. I would suck at math! :-)(not that I don%26#039;t anyway!)

    I would want to live closer to other people, and maybe take band again at a public school. But I don%26#039;t really think i woudl wnat to change the whole thing! :-)

    Relationship Survey for grades 10-12?

    1. State your gender:

    a. Male

    b. Female

    2. State your grade:

    a. Freshman

    b. Sophomore

    c. Junior

    d. Senior

    3. Have you ever been in a relationship?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    c. I don know

    4. Are you currently in a relationship?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    c. I don know

    5. How long was your longest relationship?

    a. A couple of days

    b. A couple of weeks

    c. A couple of months

    d. More than a year

    6. How short was your shortest relationship?

    a. A couple of days

    b. A couple of weeks

    c. A couple of months

    d. A couple of years

    7. Are you less physically attracted to people when you get to know them?

    a. Yes, that usually happens

    b. Sometimes not always

    c. No, it stays the same

    d. No, I become more attracted

    8. Is a text message an acceptable way to ask someone out?

    a. Yes, why not?

    b. No, it is better for the person to ask in person

    9. How long did you wait/would you wait to tell your significant other that you love them?

    a. Less than a month

    b. 1-3 months

    c. 4-6 months

    d. 6 months to 1 year

    e. Over a year

    10. Have you ever regretted being with a past partner?

    a. Yes, multiple partners

    b. Yes, there is one

    c. No, no regrets

    11. Would you cheat on someone if they didn't know?

    a. Yes, if they didn't know

    b. No, I wouldn't like it if someone did it to me

    c. Maybe, if I liked them and another person the same

    12. Have you ever been cheated on?

    a. Yes, and it hurt

    b. No, never

    c. Not that I know of

    13. Would you forgive someone who cheated on you?

    a. No way

    b. Yes if I loved him/her that much

    14. Do you believe in the following statement: Once a cheater always a cheater?

    a. Yes, that is always true

    b. No, people can change

    c. I don't know

    15. Would you date someone older or younger than you?

    a. Older

    b. Younger

    c. Age doesn't matter as long as I have feelings for the person

    16. Would you date someone from a different race?

    a. Yes,

    b. No, I stick with my own race

    c. I have no preference

    17. Would you date someone just because you felt sorry for him/her?

    a. Yes, I don't know how to say no

    b. No, that is wrong

    c. Maybe it depends on who the person is

    18. What is the most important factor for your partner to have?

    a. Pretty face

    b. Intelligence

    c. Sense of humor

    d. Hot body

    e. other

    19. Do you believe in love at first sight?

    a. Yes, I have experienced it

    b. Yes, I believe it can happen, but I have not experienced it yet

    c. No, love at first sight does not exist

    20. Which best describes your view of love?

    a. It鈥檚 all that matters

    b. It鈥檚 rare and fortunate

    c. It鈥檚 good and common

    d. It鈥檚 a myth

    21. Would you ever kiss on the first date?

    a. Yes, I will even make the first move

    b. Yes, if the person made the move

    c. No, I prefer to wait

    d. Maybe

    22. If your friends and partner didn get along and they made you choose over them who would you choose?

    a. My partner of course, he/she is the love of my life

    b. My friends, boyfriends/girlfriends come and go

    c. I wouldn be able to choose

    d. Neither if they are making me choose than they are not worth it

    23. Would you rather be unhappy in a relationship or unhappy single?

    a. Unhappy in a relationship

    b. Unhappy single

    24. Would you try to avoid being seen with your partner?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    c. Maybe

    25. What kind of relationships do you prefer?

    a. Serious relationships

    b. Flings

    c. Both

    d. I鈥檓 not sure

    Relationship Survey for grades 10-12?1. State your gender:

    b. Female

    2. State your grade:

    b. Sophomore

    3. Have you ever been in a relationship?

    a. Yes

    4. Are you currently in a relationship?

    a. Yes

    5. How long was your longest relationship?

    d. More than a year

    6. How short was your shortest relationship?

    a. A couple of days

    7. Are you less physically attracted to people when you get to know them?

    b. Sometimes not always

    8. Is a text message an acceptable way to ask someone out?

    b. No, it is better for the person to ask in person

    9. How long did you wait/would you wait to tell your significant other that you love them?

    b. 1-3 months

    10. Have you ever regretted being with a past partner?

    c. No, no regrets

    11. Would you cheat on someone if they didn't know?

    b. No, I wouldn't like it if someone did it to me

    12. Have you ever been cheated on?

    a. Yes, and it hurt

    13. Would you forgive someone who cheated on you?

    b. Yes if I loved him/her that much

    14. Do you believe in the following statement: Once a cheater always a cheater?

    b. No, people can change

    15. Would you date someone older or younger than you?

    a. Older

    16. Would you date someone from a different race?

    a. Yes,

    17. Would you date someone just because you felt sorry for him/her?

    b. No, that is wrong

    18. What is the most important factor for your partner to have?

    e. other

    19. Do you believe in love at first sight?

    c. No, love at first sight does not exist

    20. Which best describes your view of love?

    a. It鈥檚 all that matters

    21. Would you ever kiss on the first date?

    a. Yes, I will even make the first move

    22. If your friends and partner didn get along and they made you choose over them who would you choose?

    a. My partner of course, he/she is the love of my life

    23. Would you rather be unhappy in a relationship or unhappy single?

    a. Unhappy in a relationship

    24. Would you try to avoid being seen with your partner?

    b. No

    25. What kind of relationships do you prefer?

    a. Serious relationships

    Relationship Survey for grades 10-12?
    1. State your gender:

    b. Female

    2. State your grade:

    c. Junior

    3. Have you ever been in a relationship?

    b. No

    4. Are you currently in a relationship?

    b. No

    5. How long was your longest relationship?


    6. How short was your shortest relationship?


    7. Are you less physically attracted to people when you get to know them?

    b. Sometimes not always

    8. Is a text message an acceptable way to ask someone out?

    a. Yes, why not?

    9. How long did you wait/would you wait to tell your significant other that you love them?


    10. Have you ever regretted being with a past partner?


    11. Would you cheat on someone if they didn't know?

    b. No, I wouldn't like it if someone did it to me

    12. Have you ever been cheated on?


    13. Would you forgive someone who cheated on you?

    a. No way

    14. Do you believe in the following statement: Once a cheater always a cheater?

    a. Yes, that is always true

    15. Would you date someone older or younger than you?

    a. Older

    16. Would you date someone from a different race?

    c. I have no preference

    17. Would you date someone just because you felt sorry for him/her?

    b. No, that is wrong

    18. What is the most important factor for your partner to have?

    c. Sense of humor

    19. Do you believe in love at first sight?

    b. Yes, I believe it can happen, but I have not experienced it yet

    20. Which best describes your view of love?

    b. It鈥檚 rare and fortunate

    21. Would you ever kiss on the first date?

    d. Maybe

    22. If your friends and partner didn get along and they made you choose over them who would you choose?

    c. I wouldn be able to choose

    23. Would you rather be unhappy in a relationship or unhappy single?

    b. Unhappy single

    24. Would you try to avoid being seen with your partner?

    b. No

    25. What kind of relationships do you prefer?

    a. Serious relationships

    Relationship Survey for grades 10-12?
























    1. Female

    2. Freshman

    3. Yes

    4. No

    5. Couple of months

    6. Couple of weeks

    7. No, it stays the same

    8. I'd like it better in person

    9. Less than a month

    10. No, no regrets

    11. No, I wouldn't ever do that. It would suck if it happened to me.

    12. No, never

    13. Maybe

    14. I don't know

    15. Love cancels out age

    16. No, I stick to my own race

    17. No, that's wrong

    18. All of the above

    19. Yes, I do

    20. It's all that matters

    21. Maybe

    22. Neither, if they make me choose, they're not worth it

    23. Unhappy single

    24. No

    25. Serious relationships

























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